Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


CASB Requirements: What You Need to Know to Secure Your Cloud

In the modern cloud landscape, the question isn’t whether or not you need a cloud access security broker (CASB) — it’s how to choose the right one and implement it effectively. Malicious attacks are on the rise, and so are remote and hybrid workforces, making it more important than ever to be proactive about data security.

Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) Solution | DSPM vs. CSPM

What is DSPM? Data Security Posture Management, or DSPM refers to the practice of assessing and managing an organization’s overall data security posture. It involves monitoring, evaluating, and continuously improving the effectiveness of data security controls and measures in place to protect sensitive information. What is Data Security Posture Management? It provides a holistic view of an organization’s data security status and helps identify vulnerabilities, gaps, and areas for improvement.

FINRA Warns of Rising Risks as Third-Party Cyberattacks Threaten Financial Services

Earlier this month, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) posted a cybersecurity advisory highlighting the recent cybersecurity risks of third parties impacting its members and financial services organizations. The recently released Trustwave SpiderLabs 2024 Trustwave Risk Radar Report: Financial Services Sector underscores FINRA's concern about the escalating threat landscape facing the financial industry.

Top 10 EASM Solutions for 2024

The expansion of your attack surface is inevitable. As your business grows, so does the need to leverage API integrations and third-party tooling to ensure your product remains competitive. But what about ensuring that your product remains secure? The proportion of breaches involving supply chain interconnection increased by 68% between 2023 and 2024. Attackers are not just interested in your data – they are after the weak links in your interconnected systems.

Introducing UpGuard's DPDP Act Security Questionnaire

In an era where data breaches and privacy concerns dominate headlines, regulatory frameworks like India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP) have become indispensable. The DPDP Act safeguards the privacy of individuals by regulating how organizations operating in India can collect, process, and store personal data. Landmark regulations like the DPDP Act are essential for enhancing data security.

Leveraging ASPM for Maximum Impact: A Security Leader's Guide

For assessing and reporting on the risks associated with your applications, you know you need Application Security Posture Management (ASPM). However, this quickly evolving space has many variables that security leaders may not realize. Here’s how you can elevate your security strategy by optimizing ASPM tools in a way that minimizes risks, enhances operational efficiency, and builds a robust security-aware culture in your organization.

Encryption at rest in Elastic Cloud: Bring your own key with Google Cloud

Now that we’ve introduced Elastic Cloud encryption at rest and walked you through setting it up in AWS and Azure, it’s time to get you set up in Google Cloud. In this final blog of the series, we will explain how encryption at rest works with Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) and then show you how to apply a Google Cloud KMS key to an Elastic Cloud Hosted deployment for encrypting data and snapshots at rest.