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Protect Users Everywhere with Integrated Zero Trust Hybrid Security

In this second blog of our series, we embark on a journey of Branch Transformation with the Next Gen SASE Branch solution. Built on the Netskope One SASE platform, the Next Gen SASE Branch solution combines its three layers—Context-aware SASE Fabric, Zero Trust Hybrid Security, and a SkopeAI-powered Cloud Orchestrator—into a unified cloud offering. The three layers are defined below.

Six critical criteria for an identity lifecycle framework that strengthens your security profile

Employees come and go, and so do their identities within their organizations. On the surface, it seems a linear lifecycle, starting with onboarding and ending with offboarding, with a whole lot of access to resources in between. But it’s the “in between” where things are more complex – whether related to migration from one business unit to the next or integrating an acquisition.

How Government Agencies Can Regain Control Over Who Has Access to Sensitive Public Data

We’re thrilled to announce the availability of User Intelligence on Rubrik Security Cloud - Government. Rubrik User Intelligence empowers Fed and SLED organizations with visibility into user activities, access patterns, and potential risks. This level of insight is critical for enforcing least-privilege access to sensitive data, before it results in breaches.

Logs in a SIEM: The Liquid Gold of Cybersecurity

Devices, applications, and systems logs are needed to detect, analyze, and mitigate cybersecurity threats. Logs in a SIEM are like gold; they are both valuable. Gold is part of the economy, and logs are part of the IT ecosystem and are the foundation for cybersecurity. Here’s why they compare to liquid gold!

Is It Safe To Send Tax Documents via Email?

Sending tax documents by email poses significant risks because emails are not fully encrypted. Emails can also be intercepted while in transit, making them vulnerable to unauthorized access. As a result, using email for tax documents increases the risk of identity theft and tax fraud. Continue reading to learn about the security risks of emailing your tax documents and what you should do instead.

How To Detect Spyware on an Android Phone

You can detect spyware on an Android phone by recognizing the following signs: your phone suddenly becomes slow, the battery drains quickly, unfamiliar apps appear, it overheats frequently, you receive strange messages or it makes weird noises during phone calls. Spyware is a form of malware installed onto your device without your knowledge. Once spyware is installed, a cybercriminal can spy on you and collect private information like passwords or credit card numbers.

Telegram Changes Privacy Policy, Agrees to Share User Data for Criminal Investigations

In a significant shift in its privacy policy, the messaging platform Telegram has announced that it will start sharing user data with authorities to aid in criminal investigations. Known for its strict stance on user privacy, this policy reversal marks a notable departure from the company's past operations. The platform, once regarded as a haven for privacy-conscious users, is now responding to increasing concerns over the use of Telegram by cybercriminals and other bad actors.

German Police Dismantle 47 Criminal Crypto Exchanges in Major Operation

In a significant blow to cybercriminal infrastructure, German law enforcement has successfully dismantled 47 crypto exchanges accused of enabling illegal activities, including money laundering. This operation, dubbed "Final Exchange," was led by the Frankfurt Public Prosecutor’s Office – Central Office for Combating Internet Crime (ZIT) and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA).