Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is coming - are you ready?

As the official implementation date approaches for the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) – financial institutions and their information and communication technology (ICT) service providers, across the European Union are gearing up for a significant shift in their operational landscape.

CrowdStrike Launches AI Red Team Services to Secure AI Innovation

As organizations race to adopt generative AI (GenAI) to drive efficiency and innovation, they face a new and urgent security challenge. While AI-driven tools and large language models (LLMs) open vast opportunities, they also introduce unique vulnerabilities that adversaries are quick to exploit. From data exposure to supply-chain risks, the potential for threats to AI systems is growing just as fast as the technology itself.

A Developer's Guide to Comparing Yarn vs. NPM

Are you caught in a Yarn versus NPM debate? It is not only because of personal choice – the selection can alter the course of your development. Yarn and NPM are the most common tools for managing virtual dependencies in the JavaScript ecosystem. However, it is important to point out that each has its own set of strengths and trade-offs.

How AI Can Help Law Firms Ensure Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence is now being used in many sectors and can have very positive effects. Routine jobs that people no longer want to deal with are given to artificial intelligence and completed efficiently. One of these sectors can be the cyber security sector. Many companies need to ensure their cyber security, including law firms, and artificial intelligence can help companies in this regard.

What Is Risk Based Vulnerability Management?

Risk-based vulnerability management (RBVM) is an approach that focuses on prioritizing vulnerability remediation based on risk. RBVM prioritizes remediating vulnerabilities that pose the greatest risk to an organization. While some organizations depend solely on independent scoring methodologies like CVSS or EPSS, effective RBVM takes into consideration the business criticality of assets and ties in threat intelligence to make prioritization decisions.

What is a social engineering attack? Types of social engineering attacks

A social engineering attack is a form of cybersecurity attack where attackers approach individuals and psychologically manipulate them into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security. Unlike traditional hacking methods that exploit system vulnerabilities, social engineering preys on human psychology, using the likes of deceit, urgency or trust to bypass defenses.

How to shield your attack surface from SSL misconfigurations

When we carry out an assessment of an organization’s attack surface, it’s often SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) misconfigurations (and other encryption-related issues) that get the worst average scores. Research has estimated that 95% of applications have some kind of misconfiguration or vulnerability. These issues are often overlooked, but they shouldn’t be – their visibility to attackers make them an attack route that’s likely to be exploited.

How to Prevent Factory Reset on Android Work Devices?

Keeping your Android work devices safe from unwanted factory resets is really important for businesses today. Let’s learn how Mobile Device Management (MDM) can help prevent the misuse of Android work devices from unauthorized hard and soft resets, making it an easy way to protect your data and keep everything working smoothly!