Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Using Enterprise Data Security to Stay Ahead of Evolving Compliance Standards

As cybersecurity threats and compliance requirements continually evolve, organizations must take a proactive approach to protect their sensitive data. Protegrity’s data protection solution enables businesses to stay ahead of compliance requirements by offering continuous monitoring, encryption, and automated risk assessments, ensuring that security measures are always up-to-date and aligned with the latest regulatory standards.

Web Application Security: From Business Risk to Technical Defense

Web applications are many organizations’ primary point of contact with their customers, but they’re also one of their greatest vulnerabilities. Most web applications contain at least one exploitable vulnerability, and the repercussions of a successful exploit can be devastating for an organization or its customers. In this article Web application security focuses on identifying, remediating, and defending web applications to reduce an organization’s vulnerability to attack.

Visma's Security Boost with Aikido: A Conversation with Nikolai Brogaard

"Aikido helps us catch the blind spots in our security that we couldn’t fully address with our existing tools. It’s been a game-changer for us beyond just the SCA (Software Composition Analysis) solutions we originally brought them in for." A little while ago, we shared that Visma chose Aikido Security for its portfolio companies. Recently, we had the pleasure of having Nicolai Brogaard, Service Owner of SAST & SCA over in our Belgian headquarters.

IAM is not (just) technology: There's real value in consistency

There’s no way around it: program management skills are a must for any IAM leaders, lest they wish to preside over a chaotic, disorganized mess. IAM initiatives often involve complex, interconnected systems and processes – and most of all, people. Without a firm grasp of program management, leaders risk delays, overruns and a final implementation that’s more like a Frankenstein’s monster than a well-running solution.

CrowdStrike to Acquire Adaptive Shield to Deliver Integrated SaaS Security Posture Management

Today, at the inaugural Fal.Con Europe, I’m excited to announce CrowdStrike’s agreement to acquire SaaS security leader Adaptive Shield. This acquisition will propel CrowdStrike to become the only cybersecurity vendor to provide full protection against identity-based attacks across the modern cloud ecosystem — from on-premises Active Directory to cloud-based identity providers and the growing landscape of SaaS applications — through a single unified platform.