Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


ISO 27001 Compliance: Checklist for Successful Certification

Achieving ISO 27001 compliance and certification will open countless doors with governmental, industrial, and other business relationships. As an internationally-recognized and trusted security framework, it’s taken quite seriously. That means you have to put your all into achieving certification if you hope to pass the auditing process. At Ignyte, we can help.

The Strategic Advantage of Hybrid DDoS Protection: Cost Efficiency and Enhanced Control

In the digital age, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks pose a significant threat to organizations, potentially leading to service disruptions and financial losses. To effectively combat these threats, businesses are increasingly adopting hybrid DDoS protection solutions. By integrating cloud traffic scrubbing, on-premises local protection, global DDoS-specific threat intelligence, and an orchestration platform, hybrid solutions offer a comprehensive defense strategy.

BlueVoyant Security Diagnostics

BlueVoyant has guided hundreds of clients to assess, deploy, and optimize their Microsoft security products. Our sessions are personalized one-on-one engagements where we analyze your unique environment, provide insights and guidance, and help you make data-backed decisions about your next Microsoft Security investment. Optimize security and potentially save up to 60% - Consolidate your solutions with Microsoft, get more out of E5, leverage compliance and security add-ons.

How Data Net Solutions Group Found IT Success with 11:11 Systems

With no end in sight, today’s business environment has never been more complex. IT departments face intensifying pressure to maintain security, compliance, and efficiency. Data Net Solutions Group, a veteran-owned and operated IT services provider in San Diego, California, has successfully navigated these challenges with the assistance of 11:11 Systems.

Data Durability at Egnyte: Understanding Our Cloud Object Store

In today's digital era, data is the lifeblood of any business, and at Egnyte, we're acutely aware of the need for data availability and durability. We have designed our specialized cloud file system, a harmonious blend of a file system and an object store, to meet these indispensable requirements. While we at Egnyte don't explicitly label ourselves as a data storage company, there's no escaping that we're in the business of persisting data—lots of it, into billions of files.