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The Importance of Ethics in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an integral part of our daily lives, impacting everyone around the world. However, the question arises: are rules and regulations alone sufficient to make cyberspace secure? Ethics, which are the principles that guide our decisions and help us discern right from wrong, play a crucial role in this context. They aim to create positive impacts and promote the betterment of society.

Creating an Incident Response Process

In today’s cyber threat landscape, almost everyone is one bad day away from a security incident. While not every incident becomes a data breach, security teams need to be prepared for anything. Just like that one friend who has a spreadsheet to help them organize the minute tasks associated with a project, security teams need to have a prepared list of steps to take during an incident.

Abusing BOINC: FakeUpdates Campaign Bundling Malware with Legitimate Software

Beginning in early July 2024, Arctic Wolf responded to multiple SocGholish/FakeUpdate intrusions that resulted in a seemingly benign payload being delivered as a second-stage download. The zip file payload contained software from the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) project, open-source software that allows users to contribute computing power to scientific research projects focused on solving complex calculations.

Migrating from legacy SOAR platform to Tines: a step-by-step guide

In this blog post, Martin Moroney, Customer Success Engineering Manager at Tines shares lessons on migrating from a legacy SOAR platform, based on his experience in overseeing dozens of successful migrations. Enterprise system migrations are complex projects, with intimidating challenges that require meticulous planning and execution. This complexity is amplified in the context of systems that leverage many integrations to support complex workflows.

Sky-High Stakes: Combating Cyber Fraud in the Aviation Industry

Fraudulent cyber attacks targeting the airline industry are a common issue largely seen coming out of the underground, such as the deep and dark web. According to RSA Security, airlines are the industry most affected by online fraud, accounting for 46% of fraudulent transactions. As a result, the financial costs for airlines are huge with losses due to fraud estimated at 1.2% of the total global airline revenue.

The CrowdStrike Incident: A Shared Responsibility

SenseOn is a direct competitor to CrowdStrike. On 19th July 2024 BST, an update to CrowdStrike endpoint software caused worldwide IT outages that resulted in over 8 million Windows devices being disabled. This caused major disruption to organisations in a range of industries, including aviation and healthcare. Quality assurance gaps and deployment processes were not the only factors, or even the most significant factors, in the widespread disruption.

Choosing the Right VPN Alternatives for Secure Remote Access

VPNs were once the go-to method for organizations offering remote access, but they’re no longer up to the task. As organizations adapt to a more mobile workforce and the growing use of BYOD and SaaS applications, they are increasingly turning to advanced solutions that can meet their evolving security needs more effectively. This blog will explore why now is the time to consider VPN alternatives that will strengthen your organization’s security posture. ‍

Enhanced CleanINTERNET Protections to Combat Subsequent Threats from the CrowdStrike Outage

Last week (19-July-2024), a significant IT outage occurred because CrowdStrike distributed a faulty update to its Falcon security software running on millions of computers using the Microsoft Windows operating system. This faulty update caused many of these computers to crash, which interrupted the operations of businesses across the globe.

Credential-based data breaches: Five ways to shore up defenses and prevent unauthorized access

Over the last few months, there have been a number of credential-based breaches, including the attacks on Ticketmaster, Santander Bank, and others. As details regarding this string of attacks continue to be uncovered, it is critical that organizations take precautionary measures in order to protect themselves and their customers from potentially being compromised by cybercriminals.

Bridging Lemon Law and Cybersecurity: Protecting Consumers in the Digital Age

The convergence of lemon law and cybersecurity, the odd pairing at first sight. Yet, when both are viewed under the light of consumer protection, a common objective comes into focus. With this emerging relationship between technology-based consumer products and traditional concerns due to their use, we see an interesting intersection taking shape between these seemingly unrelated topics. About Lemon Law.