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How to Prevent Factory Reset on Android Work Devices?

Keeping your Android work devices safe from unwanted factory resets is really important for businesses today. Let’s learn how Mobile Device Management (MDM) can help prevent the misuse of Android work devices from unauthorized hard and soft resets, making it an easy way to protect your data and keep everything working smoothly!

Visma's Security Boost with Aikido: A Conversation with Nikolai Brogaard

"Aikido helps us catch the blind spots in our security that we couldn’t fully address with our existing tools. It’s been a game-changer for us beyond just the SCA (Software Composition Analysis) solutions we originally brought them in for." A little while ago, we shared that Visma chose Aikido Security for its portfolio companies. Recently, we had the pleasure of having Nicolai Brogaard, Service Owner of SAST & SCA over in our Belgian headquarters.

Network Digital Twins Deliver Reliable AI Outcomes

In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), especially when applied to networking and security, the accuracy and reliability of data are paramount. AI systems are only as good as the data they consume, and for network engineers, feeding these systems with up-to-date and precise information can make the difference between optimal performance and costly errors.

Emerging from Cybersecurity Month, Insights to Secure Our Digital Future

Each October, Cybersecurity Awareness Month reminds us of the ongoing battle to safeguard our data. It’s a time when individuals and organizations alike focus on the importance of cybersecurity, igniting conversations and actions to protect against the relentless surge of cyber threats. This annual event is a call to arms for IT professionals and security-conscious individuals to elevate their practices and fortify their defenses.

The Crucial Network Security Guardrails for Ensuring GenAI Success

Millions of organizations are actively deploying and leveraging generative AI (GenAI) applications in a bid to streamline productivity, reduce costs and improve efficiencies. A high percentage of enterprises are in the midst of trialing GenAI pilot programs, and by 2026, it is anticipated that more than 80% of enterprises will have deployed generative AI-enabled applications, according to Gartner.

Web Application Security: From Business Risk to Technical Defense

Web applications are many organizations’ primary point of contact with their customers, but they’re also one of their greatest vulnerabilities. Most web applications contain at least one exploitable vulnerability, and the repercussions of a successful exploit can be devastating for an organization or its customers. In this article Web application security focuses on identifying, remediating, and defending web applications to reduce an organization’s vulnerability to attack.

Using Enterprise Data Security to Stay Ahead of Evolving Compliance Standards

As cybersecurity threats and compliance requirements continually evolve, organizations must take a proactive approach to protect their sensitive data. Protegrity’s data protection solution enables businesses to stay ahead of compliance requirements by offering continuous monitoring, encryption, and automated risk assessments, ensuring that security measures are always up-to-date and aligned with the latest regulatory standards.

Managing Third Party and Insider Threats: Building Security Resilience

By James Rees, MD, Razorthorn Security In an era of interconnected services and external partnerships, two critical security challenges loom large: third party risk and insider threats. Recent events highlight these concerns – from the massive breach of Social Security numbers through a service provider to the CrowdStrike incident that grounded major airlines, causing hundreds of millions in damages.

How to shield your attack surface from SSL misconfigurations

When we carry out an assessment of an organization’s attack surface, it’s often SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) misconfigurations (and other encryption-related issues) that get the worst average scores. Research has estimated that 95% of applications have some kind of misconfiguration or vulnerability. These issues are often overlooked, but they shouldn’t be – their visibility to attackers make them an attack route that’s likely to be exploited.

What is a social engineering attack? Types of social engineering attacks

A social engineering attack is a form of cybersecurity attack where attackers approach individuals and psychologically manipulate them into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that compromise security. Unlike traditional hacking methods that exploit system vulnerabilities, social engineering preys on human psychology, using the likes of deceit, urgency or trust to bypass defenses.