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Fireblocks x Unichain: Bringing Unichain to the Fireblocks Network

Today, we’re excited to announce that Fireblocks has expanded our blockchain support with the addition of Unichain – a Superchain L2 built by Uniswap Labs that’s designed to be the home for DeFi and liquidity across chains. At Fireblocks, we are committed to continually delivering the fastest blockchain support and building secure solutions to access and trade across DeFi platforms.

Password vs Passphrase: What's the Difference and Which is Better?

It’s almost impossible to use the internet without setting up a password, they are the heart of managing our accounts online. We all know the importance of preventing access to our accounts. Unfortunately, passwords are always at risk from hackers trying to access our accounts. Even if you have the strongest password available, with one accidental click on a phishing email or spoofed website, we could accidentally give cybercriminals access to our accounts or sell our accounts on the dark web.

More Than Compliance: Elevate Your Security Posture with 1Password

You run a business that handles sensitive customer data. To ensure you’re following industry standards, you diligently work to achieve compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as HIPAA, SOC 2, or GDPR. You invest in the necessary tools, train your staff, and implement the required security policies. After an exhaustive process, you proudly receive your compliance certification.

An elephant in Kairos: data-leak site emerges for new extortion group

It is nearing 2025, and data-leak sites (DLSs) for extortion groups continue to emerge. November 2024 continues this trend, with Cyjax observing the thirteenth most recent materialisation of a DLS for an extortion group calling itself “Kairos”. At the time of writing, Kairos has claimed attacks against six victims, two of which have acknowledged significant data breaches in 2024. However, it is unclear whether these are related.

Understanding Repo_GPGcheck

Repo_GPGcheck ensures linux verifies the authenticity of software packages downloaded from repositories, reinforcing overall system security and safeguarding against unauthorized software sources. A repository in Linux is a storage location where software packages are managed and organized. When installing or updating software, Redhat based Linux systems pull the required packages from these repositories using the YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) package manager.

Top Database Security Tools for Enhanced Vulnerability Assessment and Compliance

Let’s take a look at how traditional vulnerability assessment (VA) tools compare to those built specifically to assess database security. General vulnerability assessment tools have been in use for more than 25 years, so the technology is mature. However, there are significant differences in the tools available and their specific purposes regarding database security management. Many VA solutions on the market offer general vulnerability assessments, focusing on a wide range of IT assets.

How to check if a company is legitimate: a step-by-step guide

Find out which verification methods to use — and how a KYB tool can streamline the process. Joshua Rodriguez is a product marketing manager at Persona focused on our Graph product and financial institution and public sector verticals. You'll find him around the Bay Area exploring museums with his wife and young daughter. Joshua Rodriguez is a product marketing manager at Persona focused on our Graph product and financial institution and public sector verticals.

This is How the Disney Insider Threat Incident Reframes IAM Security

It’s not that often that a story about a Joiner-Mover-Leaver (JML) failure makes the international news. But throw in an insider threat actor making potentially life threatening changes to the impacted systems and it becomes quite the doozy. Especially when the company at the center of the story is Disney.

Accelerating IPv6 Adoption - Transitioning from Cost Benefit to Security Benefit

It is hard to believe that World IPv6 Launch Day was 12 years ago on 6 June 2012, and while worldwide adoption of IPv6 continues to accelerate, uptake has not been as fast as anticipated. The purpose of the World IPv6 Launch Day was to encourage service providers and web companies to test their services and evaluate their capabilities in the face of the global exhaustion of IPv4 addresses.

Best practices for monitoring LLM prompt injection attacks to protect sensitive data

As developers increasingly adopt chain-based and agentic LLM application architectures, the threat of critical sensitive data exposures grows. LLMs are often highly privileged within their applications and related infrastructure, with access to critical data and resources, making them an alluring target for exploitation at the client side by attackers. In particular, LLM applications can be compromised to expose sensitive data via prompt injection attacks.