Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Understanding Splunk Phantom's Join Logic

If you’re an active Splunk Phantom user, it’s safe to assume you know what a playbook is. If not, here’s a quick summary: Phantom playbooks allow analysts to automate everyday security tasks, without the need for human interaction. Manual security tasks that used to take 30 minutes can now be executed automatically in seconds using a playbook. The result? Increased productivity and efficiency, time saved, and headaches avoided.

3 Steps To Prevent Cyberthreats & Secure Your Company's Data

While data security has been an important topic since the internet’s inception, the issue is experiencing renewed prominence as platforms collect and struggle to secure copious amounts of personal information and prevent cyberthreats at the same time. The early 2000s were characterized by unprecedented growth and participation in the digital data economy, but the 2010s saw the creeping consequences of this ecosystem.

Going Beyond Exclude Patterns: Safe Repositories With Priority Resolution

You probably remember the Namespace Shadowing a.k.a. “Dependency Confusion” attack that was in the news a couple of weeks ago. I blogged back then about the Exclude Patterns feature of JFrog Artifactory which we’ve had forever and was always intended to protect you against those kinds of attacks.

Should Paying a Ransom be Illegal?

We're never ones to shy away from a good debate, as you'll know if you've been following us for a while. It's a popular opinion at the moment, if you follow the chat online, to make it illegal to pay the ransom following a hack which, in theory, certainly has some merit... Unless you've been living under a rock recently, you'll know that ransomware attacks are on the rise and despite the hackers supposedly having certain 'ethics' about avoiding essential service providers, it seems that no organisation is safe from attack.

How to Proactively Plan Threat Hunting Queries

As your security capabilities improve with centralized log management, you can create proactive threat hunting queries. Setting baselines, determining abnormal behavior, and choosing an attack framework helps you mitigate risk and respond to incidents. To reduce key metrics like the mean time to investigate (MTTI) and mean time to respond (MTTR), security operations teams need to understand and create proactive queries based on their environments.

How to prepare your business for secure cloud migration

The cloud holds a lot of potential for organisations. Moving your IT environment to a secure cloud provides flexibility and agility. It allows your team to be more productive and focus on delivering value for your business. Protecting your assets, particularly your data, will help you remain secure while your organisation scales using the cloud. As you prepare for cloud migration, it’s crucial that you have the buy-in from your whole organisation.

Introduction to Bytesafe in 1 min

A quick introduction to secure package management with Bytesafe. Your code is your business and we know how hard it can be to manage JavaScript securely. With Bytesafe you have a secure by default solution that continuously monitors your dependencies. Learn more: When working with JavaScript packages, securing your software supply chain should be a priority. Stay up to date with insights of the open source code you use and issues that need to be remediated.

Largest Iran's Bank Allegedly Breached Exposing 47M Records Of The Customer

Recently, while performing a deep inspection of the dark web through Foresiet DigiRisk Platform, our Cyber Research and Support Team (FCRST) noticed, 33M records of Iran Bank were found breached and available. Our researcher has validated the data and it's very scary and has complete information including Account detail, card detail, PII information.