Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Colonial Pipeline Hack - What Can We Learn?

It has been reported that the hack that took down the largest fuel pipeline in the United States and led to fuel shortages across the whole of the East Coast was the result of a single compromised password that was leaked on the Dark Web through a data breach. On April 29th 2021, hackers gained access to the network of Colonial Pipeline Co. via a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection that allowed the hacker remote access to the corporate network.

The Principle of 'Least Privilege' in the World of Cybersecurity

The principle of least privilege in cybersecurity prescribes that no user should have access to system resources beyond what’s necessary for fulfilling a specific task. Adhering to this principle has become essential, as one of the primary ways malicious actors breach a system is by compromising (legitimate) user access.

The Many Challenges of a CISO - The ClubCISO 2021 Information Security Maturity Report

We all have heard and read how the pandemic has disrupted our lives, how it has accelerated digital transformation to an unprecedented extent and how it challenged the existing security policies and practices. The question is how the people responsible for fortifying their organizations experienced the whole situation.

Keynote by Bojan Simic, DEJ | AIOps Virtual Conference | CloudFabrix

The AI market is projected to reach a $3 trillion mark by 2024, and machine learning, which is a big part of AI, is the key driver of that growth. Machine learning can augment human understanding in processing large and complex datasets that are typical in IT operations. With rapid advancements in AI/ML technologies, enterprise leaders are beginning to take big bets on AI.

Web application security testing at scale with Coverity SAST

With the rise of cyber attacks on web apps, organizations require AST tools that can help manage web application security and compliance. Remember the saga of Equifax and the unpatched Apache Struts vulnerability? It wasn’t that long ago, and it’s one of the most notorious web application security incidents to date.

EO, EO, It's Off to Work We Go! (Protecting Against the Threat of Ransomware with Splunk)

On June 2nd, 2021, the White House released a memo from Anne Neuberger, Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology. The subject? “What We Urge You To Do To Protect Against The Threat of Ransomware.” It outlines several recommendations on how to protect your organization from ransomware. The memo was a follow-up to President Biden’s May 12th Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity Order (EO14028).