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What is Sensitive Data: How to Protect Important Personal Data

Sensitive personal data is among the most valuable information attached to us; it’s so valuable that there are international regulations for its maintenance, storage, and management. It is data that contains essential details about us, like Social Security Numbers (SSNs), bank accounts, tax IDs, health insurance data, and all the other “unique-to-one” credentials.

The Successes and Failures of Audit Credential Validation

In any system, it’s important to know who is trying to gain access, whether successful or not. This is especially important when trying to keep something secure, like a network or confidential data. Ensure ‘Audit Credential Validation’ is set to ‘Success and Failure' keeps track of attempts to access a system, whether successful or not, using specific credentials, such as a username and password, and logs it.

What Makes Containers Vulnerable?

When looking for sensitive information and other valuable assets, attackers rarely access their target directly. Instead, they find vulnerabilities in other components and use them to weave through the system and escalate privileges where they can. Because containers add a layer of complexity to already large and complex applications, the attack surface is increased, giving threat actors more to work with.

Deep dive on PCI DSS 4.0 API Security Requirements

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Council created PCI DSS as the global standard for protecting payment data. The PCI DSS is the compliance stick to which entities that transmit, store, handle, or accept credit card data of any size must adhere. Recently, PCI DSS came up with version 4.0. In this blog, we delve deeper into the new version and explain why securing APIs is critical for PCI DSS compliance and how organizations can do so.

Essential backup solutions to secure from ransomware attacks

Learn the essential data backup requirements to protect your business from ransomware attacks with a robust backup strategy. Anand Prahlad, CEO, Parablu Inc., outlines the fundamental conditions that a good backup solution should feature: First, your backup solution should create a second, separate copy of your data, not just extend the retention of the exact copy.

Global CISO Dawn-Marie Hutchinson joins Xalient as Non-Executive Director

Xalient, a global IT consulting and managed services company specialising in cybersecurity, identity and network transformation has today announced the appointment of Dawn-Marie Hutchinson as Non-Executive Director. This appointment comes at a pivotal time, as the company continues to accelerate its cybersecurity and zero-trust offering in line with its international growth strategy.

Forward Networks Achieves SOC 2 Type II Compliance, Reiterating Commitment to Data Security and Transparency

Forward Networks announced today that it has successfully achieved System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type II Compliance attestation conducted by an independent third party. The completion of the audit demonstrates Forward Networks' long-term commitment to providing its customers transparency, privacy, and data security. Forward Networks achieved SOC 2 Type I Compliance in July of last year.

Is decentralized Internet the future?

The Internet has come a long way since its invention, and activities on the Internet have become an important part of our daily lives. However, the traditional approach to Internet hosting has remained centralized and the entire technology industry is concerned about the power of data concentrated in the hands of the leading tech companies, including Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. Therefore, in the last few years, the decentralization process has become a new trend offering improved security from cybercrimes, privacy, and availability of online services. So, is decentralized Internet the future?