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KnowBe4 Named a Leader in the Spring 2024 G2 Grid Report for Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) Software

We are excited to announce that KnowBe4 has been named a leader in the Spring 2024 G2 Grid Report for Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) for the PhishER platform for the 12th consecutive quarter! The latest G2 Grid Report compares Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) Software vendors based on user reviews, customer satisfaction, popularity and market presence. Based on 278 G2 customer reviews, KnowBe4’s PhishER platform is the top ranked SOAR software.

It Takes a Hacker to Catch a Hacker

In a recent episode, 60 Minutes brought national attention to the growing threat of ransomware attacks, considered by many to be the greatest current threat to the United States and global economies. More than just informative, the narrative was a chilling glimpse into the depths of the cyber underworld. Forget the stereotype of a hacker, surrounded by energy drinks and empty pizza boxes, tinkering alone in the basement.

Carpet-bombing Attacks Highlight the Need for Intelligent and Automated DDoS Protection

Recently a large service provider in Eastern Europe contacted the A10 threat research team for insight into a series of DDoS attacks against its network. While the attacks were not service impacting, the frequency and persistence of the attacks raised internal concerns that the attacks might mask a more malicious intent: could this be a state actor planting malware or testing their defenses for a larger attack against critical infrastructure?

Stop SOAR From Killing Your SOC Budget With Hyperautomation

Cyberthreats are escalating and SOC budgets are tightening. It’s a recipe for disaster, that is, unless you take advantage of new technologies that keep both in check. The fact is, businesses are now spending nearly a third of their cybersecurity budget towards running an in-house SOC, averaging out to $2.86 million per year, according to Ponemon.

Understanding Python pickling and how to use it securely

Pickle in Python is primarily used in serializing and deserializing a Python object structure. In other words, it’s the process of converting a Python object into a byte stream to store it in a file/database, maintain program state across sessions, or transport data over the network. The pickled byte stream can be used to re-create the original object hierarchy by unpickling the stream. This whole process is similar to object serialization in Java or.Net.

Cybersecurity Burnout and Organisational Culture with Yanya Viskovich & Eve Parmiter

Dive into today's Razorwire episode where we explore the critical issue of burnout in the cybersecurity field. Join Yanya Viskovich, a cyber resilience expert, and Eve Parmiter, a clinical traumatologist, as they provide invaluable insights into combating burnout among cyber defenders. In this episode.

When and How to Use OSV Scanner to Secure your Open Source

We recently wrote about npm audit fix, which is an add-on to the excellent npm audit, that has become a fundamental tool for managing software packages in Node.js projects. However, developers working with other languages also require specialized tools for Software Composition Analysis (SCA). At Jit, our tool of choice for SCA scanning across a diversity of programming languages is OSV Scanner, a best of breed OSS solution maintained by Google.

How to Migrate from VMware to OpenShift Virtualization - Step by Step Instructions

This blog provides detailed steps to show you how to move from VMware to Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization using Red Hat’s MTV Operator (Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Operator). To further help the reader, you can see a video of Trilio for OpenShift here Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization and KubeVirt Backup & Recovery with Trilio, and a whitepaper about Trilio VMware migration to OpenStack Technology-Driven VMware to OpenStack Migration: A Comprehensive Guide.

Ad Hoc Distributed Queries - SQL Server

An ad-hoc query is an unscheduled data inquiry, typically created in response to questions that cannot be addressed using predetermined or predefined datasets. Ad hoc distributed queries utilize the OPENROWSET(Transact-SQL) and OPENDATASOURCE(Transact-SQL) functions for establishing connections with remote data sources employing OLE DB. It’s advisable to employ OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE solely for referencing OLE DB data sources that are accessed on an occasional basis.