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Disable LLMNR Protocol for Network Security

LLMNR (Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution) is a protocol used by legacy operating systems for name resolution without a DNS server, compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6. It is included in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, 8, and 10, and some Linux distributions. Introduced by Microsoft to enhance network resource resolution, LLMNR allows devices to multicast name queries on a local network if the DNS server fails to resolve a name.

OLYMPICS 2024: When Cybercriminals Enter the Arena

As the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics approaches, concerns have surfaced over the heightened threat of cyberattacks during and preceding the games. The international attention makes it a prime target for malicious actors looking to engage in cyberespionage, make political statements, or generate profits.

Unlocking Simplicity in Network Security: The Cato Networks Story

Most security companies grow reactively, a continuous, complex cycle of funding and building point solutions to address emerging point problems. Cato Networks chose to revisit and address two decades of accumulated complexities in networking and security infrastructures, looking to finally solve and break the point problem, point solution cycle. Cato envisioned a better way.

10 Types of Vendor Related Risk Cloud Native Organizations Need to Manage

If you are a developer in the current cybersecurity climate, you already know your application’s security is paramount. But have you considered the risks associated with your vendors? With over 50% of new applications developed in the coming years being Cloud-Native, vendor-related cyber security risks are a growing concern. Cloud-native organizations must consider all vendors during risk assessment. Today, you rely on countless vendors, some of whom are unknown to IT.

Why reputation protection from M365 security risks is critical to MSPs' sales activities

Before reading this, please flick up your client list on-screen. As far back as 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer reported that 84% of B2B sales start with a recommendation or referral. We like to be sure that we’ll get the outcomes we want from our B2B purchase decisions. Failures cost money and can reflect badly on decision makers’ careers. Now let’s go back to your client list. What was the initial source for each client? How did they find out about your MSP business?

Zero-Day Marketplace Explained: How Zerodium, BugTraq, and Fear contributed to the Rise of the Zero-Day Vulnerability Black Market

Whenever a company is notified about or discovers a critical flaw in their system/application that has the potential to be exploited by malicious elements, it’s termed a vulnerability. However, every time a flaw being actively exploited is discovered, code red is punched as the organization’s IT team officially has a Zero-Day vulnerability/exploit on their hands! A zero-day vulnerability is a software vulnerability discovered by attackers before the vendor has become aware of it.

The Top SIEM Technical Interview Questions

If you are evaluating a new role that requires proficient knowledge of SIEM, this comprehensive guide offers an extensive list of frequently asked interview questions. Each question is paired with detailed, well-explained answers to ensure you fully understand the concepts and can confidently showcase your expertise.

FAQ: How Are STIGs, SRGs, SCAP, and CCIs Related?

In the world of government-adjacent security and compliance, there are many different terms and acronyms you’ll encounter for the processes you have to perform. Often, these terms are interrelated in a single process, so you tend to learn them in clusters. One such cluster includes STIGs, SRGs, SCAP, and CCIs. What are these, what do they mean, and what do you need to do to utilize them properly? Let’s answer the most commonly asked questions.