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Four of the Oldest Tricks in Scammers' Books

As the world grows increasingly digital and dependent on the internet, cyberthreats are constantly evolving to clash with newer and more rigid security features. Despite cybercriminals’ propensity for finding new and innovative ways to take advantage of their targets, however, there are also tactics that have been in use since the early days of the internet.

Cybercriminal convicted of $90 million SEC earning reports hack

The owner of a Russian penetration-testing company has been found guilty of being part of an elaborate scheme that netted $90 million after stealing SEC earning reports. For nearly three years, 42-year-old Vladislav Klyushin - the owner of Moscow-based cybersecurity firm M-13 - and his co-conspirators had hacked into two US-based filing agents used by publicly-traded American companies to file earning reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

How to achieve and maintain data compliance in 2023

Only those hiding from the news, prospects, and customers can miss the data security and privacy challenges that are occurring. More businesses are relying on data analytics (garnered from data collection) for more and improved service and product offerings. More individuals want data privacy and security. More nations want their citizens protected from corporate tactics that rely on mining and scraping personal data. More customers want tailored experiences that only come through data analytics.

A Guide on 5 Common LinkedIn Scams

The fact that scammers haunt Facebook and Twitter is not surprising. Even so, digital criminals don’t stop with just those two platforms. They’re also known to stalk users on LinkedIn where connections carry greater professional gravity. Fortunately, users can stay alert of such activity by familiarizing themselves with the most common types of LinkedIn scams. In no particular order, here are five such ruses that should be on everyone’s radar.

The Language of Cybersecurity Frameworks, Guidance, Regulations, and Standards

When it comes to acronyms, Technology and Cybersecurity often rival various branches of government. Technology acronyms are usually somewhat bland, amounting to little more than the arcane argot of the profession, such as SOC, SIEM, and DNS.

Cybersecurity Is Necessary for Mission-Critical Energy Grids

Today’s energy sector is undergoing massive change, especially as more utilities try to usher in clean or renewable energy alternatives like solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind power. In addition to the clean energy transition, grid modernization is another major shift in the energy industry. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is expected to transform the energy grid and support modernization efforts.

How to protect organizations against Brute Force Attacks

A brute force attack is an attempt to reveal passwords and login credentials in order to gain access to network resources. These attacks are mainly done with the purpose of gaining unauthorized, and undetected access to compromise systems. Threat actors usually prefer this attack method since it is simple to carry out, and can cause significant damage. Once a person’s credentials are revealed, the attacker can log in, generally unnoticed.

The Role of Data Hygiene in the Security of the Energy Industry

We create massive amounts of data daily, from the exercise stats compiled by our wearable devices to smart meters used at our homes to reduce expense consumption to maintenance statistics of critical systems in industrial settings. If data creation continues at its present rate, more than a yottabyte (a million trillion megabytes) will likely be generated annually by 2030.

Social Networking Without Selling Yourself

A truism about the free tools online is that if you aren’t paying for the service, then you are the product. Take your grocery store's “club” card program. You sign up and give them your name and phone number, and every time you shop, you swipe your card and get discounts on certain items. If you shop at the same store all the time, it makes total sense to take advantage of these discounts to save yourself some cash.

Safer Internet Day 2023: Protecting Your Personal Data

February 7th is the 20th Safer Internet Day, a day to focus on addressing ways to reduce the risks created by our now very online world. Painting the internet as an inherently dangerous place full of predators and … would be using too broad a brush. The internet is an amazing technology - an information sharing resource unrivaled in depth, breadth, and reach. Despite all the good, useful, and fun the internet brings, it has one major drawback: on the other end of the computer is a person.