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ShinyHunters suspect extradited to United States from Morocco, could face 116 years in jail if convicted

A 22-year-old suspected of being "Seyzo", a member of the ShinyHunters cybercrime gang, has been extradited from Morocco to the United States, where - if convicted - he could face up to 116 years in prison. Sebastien Raoult, a French national, was arrested at Rabat international airport in Morocco on May 31 2022, while trying to take a flight to Brussels.

Financial Firms In The European Union Are Facing Strict Rules Around Cloud Based Services

In today's hyper-connected world, most of us now take care of our daily tasks with the help of digital tools, which includes online banking. Whether we're reviewing our account balances, transferring money, applying for payment cards, or simply paying our bills, banking has become more digital, and requires financial firms to adapt to this new world of transacting business. This adaptation has seen EU-based financial firms adopting and relying more heavily on cloud services.

Job scams: How they persuade and how to protect yourself

With so many companies currently reducing their workforce, jobs scams have become a serious and widespread problem for those who are looking for work. Stories from people who came across these scams on LinkedIn talk about scammers asking for their IDs, possibly to commit identity fraud or theft.

5 Long-term Benefits of Adopting Zero Trust Architecture

For the past several years we’ve all been sold the benefits of moving to Zero Trust, and it’s worked. We’re sold. But what now? At this point, companies have decided to embark on a long and committed journey – Zero Trust (ZT) isn’t built in a day. Keeping a clear eye on the finish line is necessary to maintain enthusiasm and buy-in as ZT architecture is put into place, divisions are shuffled around, and resources are fortified.

API Security Fundamentals: Everything You Need To Know

In the world of cybersecurity, the spotlight often shines on protecting applications, networks, and individual accounts. Application programming interfaces (APIs), on the other hand, present their own set of challenges to secure. APIs account for a significant portion of internet traffic and handle massive amounts of information from a wide variety of programs and applications; consequently, they make for an appealing target in the eyes of cybercriminals.

5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is a vital part of cybersecurity strategy development, evaluating the strength of an organization’s infrastructure. To prevent attackers from exploiting security flaws in your software or networks, you want to discover them as soon as possible. Penetration testing is becoming increasingly common because it anticipates attacks instead of waiting for them to happen, allowing people to be more proactive in their security initiatives.

Cybersecurity Crisis Management and Business Continuity

The massive increase in cyberattacks and the rapid evolution of advanced criminal techniques requires every single business in any sector to take protective measures to strengthen its cyber perimeter and minimize risk. To deal with this peril, businesses must incorporate security measures and comply with security standards and regulations to improve their cybersecurity defenses for their assets, revenue, and reputation.

Data Classification: Your 5 Minute Guide

It’s old news, but data is – and will remain for the foreseeable future – king. It has to be dealt with and handled responsibly, assigned to the right boxes, and stored properly. Why? Because everyone wants it, and there are increased efforts to obtain it by ever-more sophisticated and subtle bad actors. You wouldn’t put a piece of junk mail in a high security vault. Nor would you trust a crown jewel to a locked desk drawer.

The prevalence of RCE exploits and what you should know about RCEs

Recent headlines have indicated that some major companies were affected by Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, just in the month of October. RCE flaws are largely exploited in the wild, and organizations are continually releasing patches to mitigate the problem. RCE is a type of an Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) attack where the threat actor executes malicious commands on the target’s device.