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Teaching an Old State Analyzer Some New Tricks

Tripwire’s Energy and NERC Compliance Working Group virtual event offered some enlightening information, not only from industry experts but also some candid thoughts from current Tripwire customers. Even the most cogent summary of the keynote, as well as two of the sessions, simply cannot do proper justice to the knowledge that was shared during the event.

6 Common Phishing Attacks and How to Protect Against Them

Going into 2023, phishing is still as large a concern as ever. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” seems to hold in this tried-and-true attack method. The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report states that 75% of last year’s social engineering attacks in North America involved phishing, over 33 million accounts were phished last year alone, and phishing accounted for 41% of social engineering compromise overall.

The Heightened Importance of Cybersecurity in Mobile App Development

Mobile device use is pervasive, and has eclipsed traditional computing. We often hear how various malicious mobile apps are released into circulation. For these reasons, mobile app development needs to focus on cybersecurity just as much as it does on functionality and flexibility, if not more so. It’s an inevitable aspect of app development that must be taken more seriously, as the very real threats to business proliferate.

AI-generated phishing attacks are becoming more convincing

It's time for you and your colleagues to become more skeptical about what you read. That's a takeaway from a series of experiments undertaken using GPT-3 AI text-generating interfaces to create malicious messages designed to spear-phish, scam, harrass, and spread fake news. Experts at WithSecure have described their investigations into just how easy it is to automate the creation of credible yet malicious content at incredible speed.

Healthcare Supply Chain Attacks Raise Cyber Security Alarm

The healthcare sector has become a popular target for cybercriminals and is one of the most targeted industries by cyber criminals. In 2022, 324 attacks were reported in the first half of the year. As bad actors continue to target the healthcare industry, cybersecurity experts and healthcare administrators should be aware that attacks are frequently impacting smaller companies. These numbers point to unusual trends occurring in the healthcare industry.

C-Suite Security: How IT Teams Improve Security Culture

Every person in an organisation has the potential to enhance security. Physical office barriers were removed during the pandemic, exposing companies to countless vulnerabilities as attack avenues have multiplied. However, this does not mean that all was lost. What it signals is the importance of promoting a culture of security across the entire corporate environment, no matter how broadly that environment lies.

Is a Shift Left Approach Hurting Software and Supply Chain Security?

As the cyber threat evolves, adversaries are increasingly targeting non-publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. Attackers are able to stealthily travel between networks because to a vulnerability in the supply chain. To combat this risk, the cybersecurity community must center its efforts on protecting the software development lifecycle.

How an Intrusion Detection System Can Save Your Business

The world of cybersecurity is extremely diligent. In a terrain that is ever-evolving, security experts need to combat a growing population of threat actors by deploying increasingly cultivated tools and techniques. Today, with enterprises functioning in an atmosphere that is more challenging than ever, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) play a vital role. As threats become more critical across the board, an Intrusion Detection System can save your business.

Why You Need an Offensive Security Solution

Cybersecurity professionals are always looking to keep up with new and changing threats, as well as developing new tactics and technologies to guard against cyberattacks. Traditional approaches to security are focused on defensive or reactive measures, generally blocking attacks from coming in, or responding to attacks once they happen. Unfortunately, these methods may not be enough to satisfactorily address the threats in question.