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Change Management and File Integrity Monitoring - Demystifying the Modifications in Your Environment

When outsourcing the IT department was first introduced, many business owners hailed it as the solution to all their technology problems. The promise of reduced headcount, less overhead and sunk costs, as well as reduced management responsibilities, seemed like a gift that would boost profits. When cloud computing entered the business world, the same promises were realized. However, shifting responsibility to an outside administrator brought new risks to the organizations.

The Invisible Shield: Exploring the Silent Guardians of IoT Security

Effectively acting as an invisible shield, the inner workings of IoT security are often taken for granted. However, we can focus and shine a light on the protocols and practices that provide the foundation of IoT security to help others see how these efficiently operate behind the scenes to protect complex networks of interconnected devices.

How Automation and AI are Transforming GRC Management

There is no doubt that we now live in an AI-driven, automation-powered world. Across industries and markets, leaders and professionals are achieving the utility of AI in their processes. The same applies to Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) management, but when one looks at the actual implementation, the data shows that there's still a long way to go. According to one recent report, only 21% of GRC leaders use AI to perform GRC activities.

Life in Cybersecurity: Expert Tips and Insights from a Cybersecurity Recruiter

One of the most challenging aspects of working in cybersecurity can be the deceptively simple act of finding the best job that suits your skillset and best fits the employer's expectations. Whether it is an entry-level position, a lateral move, or a career advancement, there is more to finding a rewarding position than just relying on the heavily publicized skills shortage.

Forensic Cyberpsychology: Profiling the Next-Generation Cybercriminal

Cybercrime is a major concern for individuals, businesses, and governments alike. As technology advances, so do the tactics and sophistication of those who seek to exploit it for nefarious purposes. Data shows that, on average, a cyber attack occurs every 39 seconds, affecting one in three Americans annually.

Global Cyber Insurance Premiums Decline Despite Ransomware Surge

Cyber insurance has a strange past: AIG first took cyber insurance to market in 1997 despite a total lack of actuarial data to inform premiums or policies. Essentially, the industry ran on guesswork. Even today, the cyber insurance market is remarkably unpredictable compared to long-established insurance policies such as those for housing or health.

Tips to Help Leaders Improve Cyber Hygiene

The cyber threat landscape continues to be an unpredictable challenge for organizations as more of them embrace digitization. When it comes to maintaining stability and security in the age of rampant cyber attacks and record levels of data breaches plaguing businesses sector-wide, the importance of cyber hygiene cannot be overstated.

Understanding Managed Service Providers (MSPs): Choosing the Right Provider

The demand for robust security, transparency, and accountability is at an all-time high, and many businesses are relying on managed service providers (MSPs) to manage their IT infrastructure, ensure data security, or provide seamless operational support. Concurrently, MSPs must continuously innovate and differentiate their offerings to meet the growing needs of businesses.

UK Businesses Face New Cyber-Attacks Every 44 Seconds in Q2 2024

In the second quarter of 2024, UK businesses faced cyber-attacks every 44 seconds, highlighting the persistent nature of cyber threats and the critical need for robust cybersecurity protocols. This frequency of attacks shines the spotlight on the ongoing challenge UK businesses face in protecting their digital assets. It also stresses the importance of implementing comprehensive security measures to protect against increasingly sophisticated and frequent cyber threats.

Securing Infrastructure as Code: Best Practices for State Management

IT infrastructure management is a complex task. Over the years, various methods have been used to better manage corporate environments. Whether it is network monitoring, asset control, application monitoring, or any of the other infrastructure management obligations, different solutions have been attempted to make the job easier. These undertakings became even more challenging as infrastructure moved from the deceptively tidy on-premises data centers out to the cloud.