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The Importance of Ethics in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become an integral part of our daily lives, impacting everyone around the world. However, the question arises: are rules and regulations alone sufficient to make cyberspace secure? Ethics, which are the principles that guide our decisions and help us discern right from wrong, play a crucial role in this context. They aim to create positive impacts and promote the betterment of society.

MitM Attacks: Understanding the Risks and Prevention Strategies

As our interactions with the digital world grow, connections will be established within seconds, leading to more online attacks. One type of attack we may be exposed to is known as a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) — a technique cyber attackers use to take over our online communications. The best way to stay safe online is with a better understanding of the problems caused by these digital attacks and identification of the dangers and consequences they entail.

What are the Current Trends in Cloud Technology?

In recent years, cloud technology has become integral to business operations. Compared to on-premises infrastructure, it allows for improved scalability and flexibility, cost savings, collaboration, security, and data loss prevention. The cloud computing market is set to reach $679 billion in value in 2024. But what are the trends currently defining the cloud computing market?

Looking for a Job in Cyber? Tips and Advice From the Pros

A career in cybersecurity can be rewarding, challenging, and, frankly, lucrative. But it's not the easiest industry to break into: the skills required for a cybersecurity role are both niche and specific, the bar for entry is relatively high, and there are very few entry-level jobs available. But don't be disheartened. The cybersecurity industry is crying out for fresh talent. With hard work, a little luck, and the right advice, you can set yourself up for a long and satisfying career in cybersecurity.

Low-Hanging Fruits Vs. Those at the Top of the Tree: Cybersecurity Edition

Companies often go for high-end cybersecurity solutions because dealing with complex problems looks impressive. The appeal of fancy tech and advanced security challenges gives them a sense of achievement and a chance to show off their skills - and says they're serious about staying ahead of cyber crooks. However, this isn't always the best strategy.

The Role Regulators Will Play in Guiding AI Adoption to Minimize Security Risks

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming more pervasive within different industries, its transformational power arrives with considerable security threats. AI is moving faster than policy, whereas the lightning-quick deployment of AI technologies has outpaced the creation of broad regulatory frameworks, raising questions about data privacy, ethical implications, and cybersecurity. This gap is driving regulators to intervene with guidance in creating standards that reduce the risks.

Addressing Client-Side Risks in PCI DSS 4.0

It seems like such a short time ago that the Security Standards Council released the newest version of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). It has been a full year, and version 4.0 is now in effect. Industries that adhere to the Standard were given the year to implement the new changes.

5 Tips for Spotting and Avoiding Pig Butchering Scams

Pig butchering scams came onto the scene a few years ago and have been gaining momentum ever since. A unique take on an old classic, pig butchering is a typical investment scam with a romantic or relationship-based twist. The large sums of "invested" money are typically funneled into fake crypto apps where they are promptly lost.