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Elevate your secrets security posture with GitGuardian Secrets Detection's latest releases

Detect real secrets, automate severity scoring, prioritize your efforts on your most critical incidents, fix faster with your developers' help, and get the support you deserve from our team of experts!

Detect Code Leaks On Public GitHub With GitGuardian Honeytoken

When your private code becomes publicly visible, you want to know about it immediately. GitGuardian Honeytoken is a quick and easy way to add leakage detection to your repositories. Get a detailed email informing you that your honeytoken has been publicly exposed. GitGuardian Honeytoken gives you the timestamp, IP address, and user agent of who triggered it, as well as what action they were trying to take.

IP Tagging Rules For GitGuardian Honeytoken Events

Anyone managing your GitGuardian workspace can set up IP tagging rules for honeytokens. Now when someone inside your network triggers a honeytoken, through testing or for any other reason, you will be able to easily identify it as a probable false alarm and not a true code leak, or if it is from a completely unknown, new address that merits further investigation and action.