Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Prevent cloud misconfigurations in HashiCorp Terraform with Snyk IaC

We’re delighted to share new features of Snyk Infrastructure as Code (Snyk IaC) designed to support how Terraform users write, plan, and apply their configurations. With Snyk IaC, you can get immediate guidance on security configurations as you write, and scan your Terraform plans in your deployment pipelines to ensure your changes and complete configuration are safe.

Scaling for DevSecOps with the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration

Application development has changed, and development teams have begun supporting a model of rapid and frequent deployments to support the pace of innovation demanded by digital transformation. From an application security perspective, this means scaling through DevSecOps and supporting developer-first security. The unique challenges and solutions for shifting to DevSecOps were the subject of a recent roundtable discussion featuring Aner Mazur, Chief Product Officer at Snyk and Christer Edvartsen, Sr.

Gig Workers are the Most Dangerous Insider Threat We Aren't Talking About

The term “gig economy” refers to the increasingly common use of skilled freelance or otherwise independent workers on a short-term basis—often one project at a time. The availability of these sorts of gig workers has brought massive change to global work culture over the last few years.

Outpost24 webinar - Full Stack Vulnerability Management with 360 Trust Services

Join Outpost24 and 360 Trust Services experts to learn how you can tackle the growing cybersecurity threats, and secure your high availability operations and satisfied customers. Save your spot for a comprehensive webinar, as we will be presenting the latest security products and services offerings, based on 20 years’ experience and accumulated expertise in cybersecurity, from vulnerability management, risk prioritization to driving a remediation culture.

New Cybersecurity Executive Order: What You Need to Know

Last night, the Biden administration released an executive order on cybersecurity that includes new security requirements for software vendors selling software to the U.S. government. These requirements include security testing in the development process and a bill of materials for the open source libraries in use, so known vulnerabilities are disclosed and able to be tracked in the future. Without following these standards, companies will not be able to sell software to the federal government.

Ofwat reveals it has received 20,000 spam and phishing emails so far this year

Ofwat, the water services regulator for England and Wales, has revealed that it has received over 20,000 spam and phishing emails so far this year. The Water Services Regulation Authority (better known as Ofwat) which is the government department responsible for regulating the privatised water and sewage industry in England and Wales, said it had received 21,486 malicious emails so far this year – with 5,149 classified as phishing attacks.

Elastic and Swimlane partner to deliver an extensible framework for the modern SOC

Today I’m happy to share more about our partnership with Swimlane, which further reinforces our commitment to empowering security teams everywhere. Today’s security teams rely on the power of Elastic’s high-speed, cloud-scale analytics to solve their most complex and pressing security issues. Swimlane’s security automation platform provides a way for these same teams to accelerate and optimize their workflows for max efficiency and to solve SOAR use cases.

Security Operations, the Devo Next-Gen SIEM, Is Now Chock Full of Content 

Devo has some big news for our customers, partners and prospects. We are pleased to announce the latest release of Devo Security Operations, which enables you to achieve full visibility without compromise, leverage real-time detections and enriched investigations, and maximize analyst productivity.

Cybersecurity Executive Order requires new software security standards

President Biden’s Cybersecurity Executive Order requires new software security standards and best practices. Learn what you can do to prepare now. By: Tim Mackey, Principal Security Strategist, Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC) and Adam Isles, Principal, The Chertoff Group On Wednesday, May 12, President Biden signed an extensive Executive Order (E.O.) on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. The E.O.

archTIS - Trusted to Safeguard the World's Most Sensitive Information

SENSITIVE AND CLASSIFIED INFORMATION, SHARED SECURELY archTIS solutions apply and enforce dynamic, policy-driven access controls that leverage both user and data attributes to ensure your users and partners access, share and collaborate on sensitive, classified and top secret information—securely.