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4 Ways to Automate Application Security Ops

Maintaining an online business presence nowadays means that malicious actors are going to target and likely exploit any application vulnerabilities they can find sooner or later. According to the 2021 Mid Year Data Breach Report, although the number of breaches has declined by 24%, the staggering number of records that were exposed (18.8 billion) means that there is still room for improvement.

Public Sector Cyber Security beyond the PSN

Recording of a Tripwire Q&A with Gary Hibberd, Professor of Communicating Cyber at Cyberfort Group. As ransomware attacks increase we discuss how the threat is only set to increase as attacks become increasingly sophisticated and government organizations and public bodies in the UK wrestle with the challenges and complexities of migrating securely from the PSN.

Contextualizing the Ransomware Threat Confronting OT Environments

Back in early June, the U.S. Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) published a fact sheet discussing the rising threat of ransomware to operational technology (OT) assets. This development raises several questions. Why is ransomware a threat to OT environments? And what can organizations do to protect their OT assets against ransomware?

Seven new (and convincing!) phishing scams to watch out for

Cybersecurity would be so much simpler if criminal groups would stick to the same old tried and tested methods. Sadly, that’s never going to happen – they’re persistent and creative. Instead, cybersecurity teams need to keep up to date with the latest tricks in the criminal playbook. There’s no standing still when it comes to cybercrime.

Introducing Rubrik Ransomware Recovery Warranty

With the rapid growth of ransomware attacks, enterprises all share the same concern: “If we get hit by ransomware, can we recover?” The reality is, when traditional security products fail and data is compromised, the stakes are high, and IT and Security teams are often left on their own. So we asked ourselves, can we give them the ultimate assurance that Rubrik will be there for them?

Breaking it Down: The Difference Between InfoSec Compliance Types

Compliance is an essential part of any business. From a corporate perspective, it can be defined as ensuring your company and employees follow all laws, regulations, standards, policies and ethical practices that apply to your organization. In the context of information security, it means ensuring your organization meets the standards for data privacy and security that apply to your specific industry.

Risk Control Measures That Work

Conducting a regular risk assessment is an integral part of any organization’s overall risk management program — and sometimes even a legal requirement, depending on your industry, contractual obligations, or the number of persons you employ. A risk assessment is the systematic process of identifying threats or hazards in your work environment, evaluating the potential severity of those risks, and then implementing reasonable control measures to mitigate or remediate the risks.

The Changing Role of the CISO

Back in the early days of networking, many companies assigned all of the responsibilities to anyone who showed any aptitude towards operating a computer. In many companies, this was an accountant or someone else who also managed sensitive financial information. The assumption was that the person managing the corporate books was the most trustworthy person in the organization.