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Haunted: Chrome's vision for post-Spectre web development

Ahh, the web, an open platform where sites can communicate with each other, embed third-party content to unlock powerful features, make requests to arbitrary endpoints of other web applications... Well. Isolation was never a thing on the web, and this creates a number of security issues⏤but Spectre took this to the next level.

Enterprise Application Risk Profiling

I will discuss digital transformation in the enterprise, how it impacts cloud native applications developed using agile methodologies and as a result, an oscillating application risk rating, which then triggers prioritized security-related activities by application security engineers.. Key topics will include: Creating a baseline application risk profile Dynamic characteristics of application risk factors Significant changes that trigger security reviews

Protecting Users from Malicious Sites with Falcon for Mobile

Protecting Users from Malicious Sites with Falcon for Mobile Falcon for Mobile protects users by preventing connections to malicious sites on both iOS and Android devices. Some examples of sources for these malicious connections are texts, emails, apps, or even QR codes. Falcon for mobile can block navigating to malicious sites and notifying the user why it was blocked, educating the user and reducing the risk in the future.

Citizen Developers Security Awareness

Citizen developers are now producing the types of applications once reserved for professional programmers. By using the low-code/no-code capabilities found in low-code application development platforms (LCAP), business workflow automation or RPA, they can bypass drawn-out development processes and reap the benefits of speed and efficiency. Perhaps even more significant is the resulting efficacy—because who knows better than the citizen developer what the company needs to solve its pain points?

The Key to Solving Ransomware, Insiders, and Data Theft

The common theme across ransomware, insider threats, and data theft is the exfiltration of data. While threat research labs usually publish the process steps of ransomware encryption, keys, and disk clean-up, the parts about accessing the data and exfiltration are often left out. Also, one security solution does not solve the problem itself, making partner integrations vital to the success of security solution stacks.

Microsoft + Corelight partner to stop IoT attacks

When you hear the term “Internet of Things,” (IoT) do you picture home devices like lightbulbs, smart assistants, and wifi-connected refrigerators? Perhaps you think of enterprise devices like video conferencing systems, smart sensors, or security cameras? Or maybe traditional office equipment like VoIP phones, printers, and smart TVs come to mind. No matter what devices you imagine, IoT represents an ever-expanding attack surface.

Wi-Fi in WatchGuard Cloud

Wi-Fi has evolved as an essential need across the globe. WatchGuard is delivering Wi-Fi 6 access points with WPA3 encryption for enriched security. Managed directly in WatchGuard Cloud, these secure access points enable zero-touch deployment, monitoring, and reporting plus integration into WatchGuard’s portfolio of products such as AuthPoint, Endpoint, and Firebox.