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2022 Predictions #6 - And We'll Call It Zero Trust

Most security professionals have had the principle of least privilege grilled into them from the very beginning of their careers. Giving users the minimum level of access needed to perform their job functions is for the most part an uncontested best practice. Unfortunately, best practices don’t directly translate into wide adoption, and least to their full extent. Over the past few years, or decades really, we’ve seen the ease in which attackers can move laterally and elevate their level of access while exploiting organizations that haven’t followed basic security principles.

Splunk TV - TV Companion

Introducing Splunk TV Companion, an iPad App that allows you to remotely control the content of multiple TVs. Save a dashboard layout on multiple TVs as a shortcut to quickly switch content when responding to alerts, or or split a single dashboard across a grid of TVs. Whether you have several TVs in a single location or are remotely managing a group of TVs across the globe, use Splunk TV to coordinate your workforce around important events from a central location and rapidly bring dashboards to the attention of those who need it.

Elastic Security: LimitlessXDR. Unbounded Security.

Elastic Security has introduced the industry’s only free and open Limitless XDR solution. Now, native endpoint security comes on every host, automated detections prioritize the biggest risks, and universal data ingestion and centralized analysis accelerate analyst workflows across triage, investigation, escalation, and response. Join our keynote session to learn what unrestricted data ingestion, visibility, and analysis means for analysts, the impacts that key technology and cloud integrations have on security teams, and what the future with Limitless XDR looks like for organizations worldwide.

Predictions 2022: Five Threats That Will Impact Your Personal Data and Privacy

In Q1 of 2021, 4 in 10 people encountered an unsafe link while using their mobile devices – less than a year later, 5 in 10 people encountered threats in Q3 2021. This trend will only continue as text message, email and social media phishing scams surge.