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What We Can Learn From SolarWinds Security Breach

65% of cyber attacks today happen due to the negligence of a third party. SolarWinds security breach is a good example of that. In this case, hackers used a method known as a supply chain attack to insert malicious code into their Orion System. From there, they managed to crack into the SolarWinds network and put malware into the environment. SolarWinds did a great job following up on this. They made significant improvements and are currently rated as a B by SecurityScorecard.

What is Incident Response?

Creating an incident response plan is mission-critical for modern organizations. As threat actors continuously evolve their attack methodologies, organizations need the people, processes, and technologies that allow them to rapidly respond to a security incident. According to research, attacks have increased by 15% since 2019.

What Is Cryptojacking and How Can You Defend Against It?

It should come as no surprise that as cryptocurrencies become more popular and edge towards the mainstream, the mining of these digital currencies—which uses computing power to solve complex math problem— has given rise to a new form of cyber attack: cryptojacking. Cryptojacking may sound like a way to steal someone's cryptocurrency assets, but it's a less obvious form of theft.

The Linux process and session model as part of security alerting and monitoring

The Linux process model, available within Elastic, allows users to write very targeted alerting rules and gain deeper insight into exactly what is happening on their Linux servers and desktops. In this blog, we will provide background on the Linux process model, a key aspect of how Linux workloads are represented.

Regulatory Compliance - Holding Security Back or Forcing us to Reassess old biases?

A recent survey conducted by IBM and Censuswide of the UK market explored some of the drivers for modernisation and revealed some interesting challenges that organisations currently face as more and more businesses expand their digital boundaries.

Weaponizing paranoia: developing a threat detection strategy

Nowadays, it’s mostly a foregone conclusion that companies need a security program and centralized log aggregation and correlation platform. Unfortunately, the conversation all too often turns toward tactics for data collection and detection of specific threat actors or common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs).

Low-Code vs No-Code: Is There a Difference?

For organizations to be more productive and agile in their development processes, understanding the core differences between low-code and no-code applications and platforms is vital. In this article, we take a closer look at low-code vs no-code, explore the benefits of each, and explain how design flaws and security vulnerabilities in these environments are addressed.

Top 7 Vulnerability Mitigation Strategies

Discover the best vulnerability mitigation strategies to help protect your business from potential threats with this guide from the team at Reciprocity. 2021 (and every year leading up to it) was the worst year on record for cybersecurity. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercrime as a whole has increased by 600 percent.

How Compliance Can Strengthen Your Risk Posture

In the age of digital business, protecting your organization’s digital assets from cyber threats and reducing your cyber risk exposure has never been more important – or more complicated. At the same time, most organizations are also required to comply with numerous industry and government regulations that dictate standards for data privacy and IT security.