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What is a Spoofing Attack and How Can You Prevent Them?

At the heart of almost every business interaction lies trust. Whether logging in to a website, providing information over the phone, or interacting via email, trust is essential when the communication involves money, sensitive data, or both. To win a victim’s trust, gain access to a secure system, receive sensitive data, or insert malicious software, cybercriminals use various tools and tactics to mask their identity or disguise their devices. These tactics are the foundation of a spoofing attack.

Singapore's PDPA Penalties Set to Increase Starting Oct 1

While the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2020 Amendment phases came into effect on Feb 1, 2021, starting on October 1, 2022, the maximum financial penalty for breaches of PDPA will be increased. Here’s what you need to know for the next phase of PDPA and how to ensure your information security practices are compliant to avoid penalties.

How to reduce your exposure & secure your data in the cloud in 5 quick ways

More companies are switching from on-premises systems to public cloud services, ensuring long-term growth and digital resilience. But as their implementations grow, they begin to realize that their exposure to cyberattacks and other risks grows as well. Cybersecurity is an essential practice for successful businesses. Adapting to business growth is a good problem to have, but without an eye on cloud security, that growth could cost you in the long run.

I'm a former nation-state exploiter - here's why I know Open Security is our best defense

No single organization is prepared to stop an attack from a nation-state Not so long ago, I woke up every morning focused on one thing: finding and exploiting vulnerabilities. During my 10 years working for the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), my single objective was to identify and exploit networks to collect foreign intelligence. I was fortunate to work alongside the world’s best professional vulnerability and exploit developers. My time serving my government was formative and humbling.