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Connecting the dots: Development + business risk + due diligence

Organizations should emphasize processes that connect the dots between software development practices, business risk and due diligence activities. Typically, it’s businesspeople and lawyers who coordinate due diligence in an M&A transaction. A few might be former developers; often, many have gained some understanding of how software is built through osmosis and have at least an intuitive sense of technical risk.

Are Your Company Secrets Safe on GitHub? Here's Why You Need to Request a Complimentary Audit

With a large number of developers, it’s highly likely that your company’s secrets are publicly exposed without your knowledge. Request your audit today and take control of your GitHub security perimeter.

Thousands of Students and Faculty Exposed in Bristol Community College Data Breach

Bristol Community College is a mid-sized public university located in Fall River, Massachusetts. The school employs more than 1,000 individuals and has over 11,000 students annually. The school houses an extensive amount of data for its employees and its students, and some of that data was put at risk by a recent breach. The data breach left many people involved with the school at risk of being exposed and suffering from identity theft attacks.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap May 26

Health, financial, and education institutions took major hits this week in coordinated data breach attacks. PharMerica Credit Control Corporation, Retirement Clearinghouse, Whitworth University, and Bristol Community College were all victims of major breaches that resulted in significant data losses and some serious problems for the people involved. Massive companies are being hit by these breaches, and you should consider credit monitoring services for your own personal safety.

Case study: Calico on AWS enables turnkey networking and security for Rafay's enterprise-grade Kubernetes Operations Platform

Organizations are adopting Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (AWS) to modernize their applications. But Kubernetes clusters and application lifecycles demand a considerable investment of cost and resources, especially for edge applications.

CISO advice - building a comprehensive secrets management program

Jason Haddix is the CISO of BuddoBot and former CISO/Head of Security at UbiSoft. In this clip Jason explores why a comprehensive secrets management program is absolutely vital for a organizations. He walks us through his 4 step secrtes management plan he has rolled out to Detect, Prevent, Respond and Educate. Today Jason puts together his cyber leadership skills with his penetration testing background as the CISO of BuddoBot, a world class red team as a service organization that is designed to emulate and prepare your organization for real world attacks.

Here Come The Regulations 443 Podcast YouTube Short

This episode covers two new sets of cybersecurity regulations, fresh from the White House's National Cybersecurity Strategy publication, targeting different critical infrastructure sectors in the United States. We'll also cover the latest nation-state activity targeting network connectivity appliances and end with fun research into an oldie-but-goodie video game system.