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Block Security Vulnerabilities from Entering Your Code

As continuous software deployments grow and become the accepted standard, security measures gain even more importance. From development and all the way through to production, security requirements should be adopted by all teams in an organization. JFrog IDE integrations provide security and compliance intelligence to the developer right from within their IDE.

Common focal points of DoS attacks

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Is your company at risk of a Denial of Service (DoS) attack? If so, which areas are particularly vulnerable? Think it’s a crazy question? Think again. In 2020, 16 DDoS attacks take place every minute. DoS attacks require fewer resources, and so pose an even greater threat. In this post, we’ll discuss what a DoS attack is and how it differs from a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

Results Speak Louder Than Words: A Guide to Evaluating ICS Security Tools

Why leveraging live environment simulations and putting ICS tools to the test is the best way to evaluate their fitness. Track and field was one of my favorite sports growing up. I didn’t begin competitively participating until I was a teenager, but I was instantly hooked once I started. Why? Because the clock didn’t lie. The tape measure didn’t lie. The fastest time always won, and the longest throw always won. I like to think of ICS security tools in a similar way.

Working Anywhere With Egnyte: Organization Guide

Maximizing productivity from a remote environment, particularly if it’s a new arrangement, can be a multifaceted challenge. Enabling employees to plan out their time, optimize their workspace, and minimize distractions are all important, but another key part of ensuring continuity from anywhere is finding ways to be digitally organized, using the tools at their disposal to label, organize and secure content even outside of your organization’s four walls.

Weekly Cyber Security News 3/4/2020

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. In these strange times certain platforms have gained increased popularity, Zoom being one appears to have attracted a lot of attention and not just from it’s users. Both sides of infosec have taken a bite. The news appears to be changing rapidly as Zoom react and deal with it. What is really true about the claims?

The Power of Community to Fight COVID-19 Cyber Threats

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the fear and uncertainty surrounding the current global health and economic situation as well as sudden shifts and exposures in IT environments to launch COVID-19 related attack campaigns. The bad guys are moving full-steam ahead in their efforts to lure victims by playing on their fears.

Zoom promises to improve its security and privacy as usage (and concern) soars

What’s happened? Well, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) happened. Okay, smart alec. I know about that. What else is going on? Well, because so many people are (wisely) staying at home, they’re using videoconferencing and chat technology like Zoom to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues. In fact, Zoom says that daily usage has soared from approximately 10 million daily meeting participants in December 2019 to over 200 million today. Zoom must be pleased. I’m sure they are.

Best practices to ensure data security while working remotely

Coronavirus has disrupted daily life for so many around the world in a shockingly short span of time. Lifestyles have shifted. A new normal, albeit a panic-stricken one, has set in. One-third of the global population is under lockdown to slow the spread of coronavirus. Many organizations have adopted temporary work-from-home measures to keep themselves up and running.

Recapping the Splunk for CMMC Solution Launch

On Wednesday, March 25th, we launched our Splunk for CMMC Solution with a webinar presentation to a diverse set of defense industrial base (DIB) participants and partners. As I discussed during the launch event, the Splunk for CMMC Solution provides significant out-of-the-box capabilities to accelerate organizations’ journeys to meet, monitor, track, and mature the cybersecurity practices required by the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).