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CloudFabrix Alert Watch - Correlation and Suppression

Modern hybrid-IT environments are monitored by numerous multi-vendor and multi-domain monitoring tools that generate humongous amounts of alerts and events, most of which are not readily actionable. The Industry term for this is “Alert Noise”. Noisy alerts increase the risk of real alerts going undetected causing service outages. These alerts also carry siloed information missing the application or service context.

Hunting COVID Themed Attacks With IOCs

This blog post is part twenty-four of the "Hunting with Splunk: The Basics" series. I've been dealing with viruses for years, but this is the first time I've written a blog post where we are dealing with actual viruses. Ever since the 2004 tsunami, I have witnessed cyber-baddies using current events to trick users into opening documents or clicking on links. The COVID-19 breakout is no different.

BitSight vs Whistic Comparison

Outsourcing, digitization, and globalization are three of the largest trends in the last 30 years. They've brought new products and services, increased specialization, lower costs, and improved access. But they've also introduced significant cyber risk. Particularly the risk of data breaches and data leaks. For perspective, a recent study by the Ponemon Institute put the average cost of a data breach at $3.92 million. The unfortunate truth is third-parties cause a lot of data breaches.

How to Conduct a Vulnerability Assessment

A vulnerability assessment or vulnerability analysis is the process of identifying the security vulnerabilities in your network, systems, and hardware and taking steps to fix those security vulnerabilities. A vulnerability assessment can provide information that your IT and security teams can use to improve your company’s threat mitigation and prevention processes.

SecurityScorecard vs Whistic Comparison

Outsourcing, digitization, and globalization have brought us new products and services, allowed for increased specialization, lowered costs, and improved access but they've also introduced significant cyber risk. Particularly the risk of data breaches and data leaks. And with the average cost of a data breach reaching close to $4 million dollars according to a recent study by the Ponemon Institute, it pays to prevent them. The unfortunate truth is third-parties cause a lot of data breaches.

Securing Tekton pipelines in OpenShift with Sysdig

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to create a reusable Sysdig Secure image scanning task, for Tekton pipelines and Openshift clusters, that can be deployed in many pipelines. As a DevOps engineer, you want to deliver applications fast but keeping compliance with security standards like CIS, PCI DSS or NIST 800-190, GDPR can be an arduous task. You might implement image scanning in your CI/CD pipelines to detect and resolve issues such as known vulnerabilities and incorrect configurations.

INETCO Announced as a 2020 Best of FinXTech Awards Finalist for Improving Operations

Over the past 12 months, INETCO’s flagship product, INETCO Insight 7, has gained recognition as the go-to solution for acquiring a level of detail within payment transaction data sets that is unprecedented, and extremely useful. Recently, INETCO caught the attention of Bank Director, an information resource to the financial community with a focus on the strategic issues most fundamental to a bank’s CEO, senior leadership team, chairman and independent directors.

CyberGRX vs Whistic Comparison

The amount of cyber risk the average organization is taking on has never been higher, a big part of it in the form of third-party and fourth-party risk. A household name reporting a data breach or data leak feels like a daily occurrence. And with the average cost of a data breach reaching close to $4 million dollars according to a recent study by the Ponemon Institute, organizations are looking for new ways to prevent them. The unfortunate truth is third-parties cause a lot of data breaches.

Assess and adapt for resiliency

Admittedly, we are in uncharted territory – what seemed routine a few short weeks ago – commuting to work, going to the gym, or gathering with friends – is now either a daunting task or a non-existent option. This shift has impacted our technology, our workforce, and our business environments almost overnight and with minimal warning.

COVID-19 Guide for Security Professionals

What a world! In February, everyone was busy minding their own business, but since March, the entire globe suddenly focused on the same challenge. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken our businesses and private lives by storm. The outbreak surprised everyone - a surprise hardly any business was prepared for. It brought country-wide lockdowns for quarantine, office closures and enforced teleworking, which are now commonplace.