Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


OneDrive for Business: Getting Administrator's Access to User's Files and Folders

OneDrive for Business is a secure cloud-based solution for convenient telecommuting, remote access and private file sharing. Indeed, files stored on OneDrive are private by default: Users control access to the files they upload, so they can be seen by other employees only if they have been shared by the OneDrive owner. Even users with Global Administrator access cannot access files unless the OneDrive account holder has granted them the appropriate permissions.

Helm Chart Security Mitigation: Talking Back to CVEs in ChartCenter

If your Helm charts could talk, what would they say to potential users? Would they boast of the power in the Kubernetes apps they deploy? Would they warn of their dangers? Would they offer advice? In JFrog’s new ChartCenter, a community repository of publicly available Helm charts, that’s exactly what they’ll do. ChartCenter reveals to users what known risks lie within the container images deployed by every Helm chart.

The New Normal: Organizations Need Security Leaders More Than Ever

The world is changing at a pace not seen in modern history. Security leaders, including chief information security officers (CISOs), face new security challenges as well as opportunities. As COVID-19 drives workers to look for new ways to live and work, organizations must be proactive. The ‘new normal’ may seem scary at first, but savvy CISOs who see beyond tactical changes to the threat landscape can capitalize on opportunities.

What is FFIEC-CAT?

There has been a significant rise in the number and complexity of Cybersecurity threats over the last several years in the financial services industry. Institutions have been in need of a tool that can aid in identifying all the different risk types and how to develop a plan to be prepared for this continuously growing number of threats. Finally a tool has been developed for these intuitions, especially for Credit Unions.

Attack surface analysis explained: The 7 deadly vectors for web application attacks

Modern web applications are complex, it is often made up of many layers where potential flaws could appear making it hard to secure. That’s why it’s important to understand the key attack vectors hackers use to spot entry points and map your attack surface during reconnaissance and work back from there to protect your web application footprint.

Security operations center, Part 1: The guardian of your organization

Hackers arm themselves with the latest technologies, employ different techniques, and try to exploit all possible vulnerabilities in the security of an organization. With these tools under their belt, hackers will persist until they get what they want. To stay one step ahead of hackers and remain up to date on cutting-edge technologies, your organization needs a dedicated team whose main objective is to detect and stop cyberattacks that threaten it.

System Administrator Salary: How Much Can You Earn?

Many system administrators are concerned that they are not paid fairly, especially considering the high workload and long hours. In fact, the recruiting website reports that 43% of system administrators think their salary is not enough for the cost of living in their area. How does your location measure up? To save you from having to browse tons of job openings and analyze current trends to answer that question, we’ve done the research for you.

Onelogin Log Insights with Coralogix

OneLogin is one of the top leading Unified Access Management platforms, enabling organizations to manage and Access their cloud applications in a secure way. OneLogin makes it simpler and safer for organizations to access the apps and data they need anytime, everywhere. This post will show you how Coralogix can provide analytics and insights for your OneLogin log data – including performance and security insights.

The Cyber Risks of Remote Workers Returning to the Office

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a huge list of challenges for businesses. One that is potentially going unnoticed or under-reported is cybersecurity. Specifically, as lockdown ends and as individuals return to offices and places of work, it may be the case that something malicious is already waiting for them on their devices. Here we take a look at the cyber risks of remote workers returning to the office.