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Securing Your Kubernetes Journey with ChartCenter

Adopting cloud native technologies like Kubernetes and Helm means your company’s operations can sail swiftly across the globe’s oceans to reach teams and customers. But there are dangers in the deep. With many components in Kubernetes, securing every dimension can be quite challenging and require a bit of learning curve. Let’s identify some important best practices that can help you to steer straight.

A Unified Security Operations Platform: Splunk Mission Control

Security is easy, right? Get yourself a patchwork of security point products meant to solve one or two specific problems, and your organization is safe from threats! Ah, if only it were that simple… In reality, security operations are disjointed and complex. Security visibility and functionality (i.e. threat detection, investigation, containment and response capabilities) are often divided among a multitude of different security products (e.g.

Effective Threat Intelligence Through Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses leveraged by adversaries to compromise the confidentiality, availability or integrity of a resource. The vulnerability ecosystem has matured considerably in the last few years. A significant amount of effort has been invested to capture, curate, taxonomize and communicate the vulnerabilities in terms of severity, impact and complexity of the associated exploit or attack.

Social Engineering: Hacking Brains...It's Easier than Hacking Computers

The audience in the room is weirdly quiet. The contestant is in a small plexiglass booth with nothing but a phone, a laptop computer and some notes. On a set of speakers outside, the booth broadcasts the sounds of a dial tone as a woman on the stage begins to dial a number. It is apparent she is not phoning a friend. The dial tone changes to a ring tone, and moments later, the other end picks up. “Hello… IT department.

Do you trust your cache? - Web Cache Poisoning explained

As we are all currently confined to a life at home during the pandemic, it has become more important than ever that our favorite web applications stay fast and reliable. Many modern web applications use web caches to keep up with these demands. While this works wonders from a performance perspective, it also opens up new attack vectors. One of these new attack vectors is called Web Cache Poisoning.

New Redscan FOI report reveals the state of cyber security across UK universities

In March 2020, Redscan sent Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to 134 universities across the UK. The aim was to understand more about the frequency of data breaches in the sector and some of the steps institutions are taking to prevent them. The focus on universities was due to the integral role these organisations play in conducting world-changing research and shaping the skills and knowledge of the workforce. The results of the FOI request are available to download in a short report.

How to Comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act

Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is a legally mandated must for all U.S. public companies and some other entities, as well. But meeting the requirements of this important law can be incredibly difficult. Preparing for a SOX compliance audit requires so much work that companies often designate entire teams full-time to the task. The law is that complex.

Unified cloud-native authorization: Policy everywhere and for everyone

When we started Styra, we set out to rethink authorization and policy for the cloud-native environment. We knew that new risks and challenges would emerge as companies embraced the cloud and began using a whole new host of technologies and architectures for building applications. The constant changes and dynamic runtime of the cloud-native environment complicated matters even more.