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Veracode Makes DevSecOps a Seamless Experience With GitHub Code Scanning

Developers face a bevy of roadblocks in their race to meet tight deadlines, which means they often pull from risky open source libraries and prioritize security flaws on the fly. In a recent ESG survey report, Modern Application Development Security, we saw that 54% of organizations push vulnerable code just to meet critical deadlines, and while they plan for remediation on a later release, lingering flaws only add to risky security debt.

Detecting & Preventing Ransomware Through Log Management

As companies responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with remote work, cybercriminals increased their social engineering and ransomware attack methodologies. Ransomware, malicious code that automatically downloads to a user’s device and locks it from further use, has been rampant since the beginning of March 2020. According to a 2020 report by Bitdefender, ransomware attacks increased by seven times when compared year-over-year to 2019.

SIEM Alerts Best Practices

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools play a vital role in helping your organization in discovering threats and analyzing security incidents. Logsign’s internal team continuously makes correlation rules and alerts so that your team’s workload is minimized. In our previous posts, we discussed generating important reports and deriving maximum possible benefits from use cases. In this article, we will be discussing SIEM alerts best practices.

Gaining holistic visibility with Elastic Security

Let’s talk visibility for a moment. Security visibility is a data-at-scale problem. Searching, analyzing, and processing across all your relevant data at speed is critical to the success of your team’s ability to stop threats at scale. Elastic Security can help you drive holistic visibility for your security team, and operationalize that visibility to solve SIEM use cases, strengthen your threat hunting practice with machine learning and automated detection, and more.

Announcing Polaris support for GitHub Actions

Security and development teams are increasingly adopting DevOps methodologies. However, traditional security tools bolted onto the development process often cause friction, decrease velocity, and require time-consuming manual processes. Manual tools and legacy AppSec approaches limit security teams’ ability to deliver the timely and actionable security feedback needed to drive improvements at the pace of modern development.

Zerologon: Tripwire Industrial Visibility Threat Definition Update Released

Today, we released a Threat Definition Update bundle for our Tripwire Industrial Visibility solution to aid in the detection of Zerologon. Otherwise known as CVE-2020-1472, Zerologon made news in the summer of 2020 when it received a CVSSv3 score of 10—the most critical rating of severity. Zerologon is a vulnerability that affects the cryptographic authentication mechanism used by the Microsoft Windows Netlogon Remote Protocol (MS-NRPC), a core authentication component of Active Directory.

Zero Trust Architecture: What is NIST SP 800-207 all about?

“Doubt is an unpleasant condition, but certainty is an absurd one.” Whilst I claim no particular knowledge of the eighteenth-century philosopher Voltaire, the quote above (which I admit to randomly stumbling upon in a completely unrelated book) stuck in my mind as a fitting way to consider the shift from traditional, perimeter-focused ’network security’ thinking to that of ‘ZTA’ (Zero Trust Architecture.)

Deep packet inspection explained

Deep packet inspection (DPI) refers to the method of examining the full content of data packets as they traverse a monitored network checkpoint. Whereas conventional forms of stateful packet inspection only evaluate packet header information, such as source IP address, destination IP address, and port number, deep packet inspection looks at fuller range of data and metadata associated with individual packets.

Securely Growing Sales with Egnyte and Salesforce

When a company was directed by its board to grow revenue, the sales process badly needed to be improved. Hiring new sales staff simply is not enough, and rarely cost-effective. Confronted with this big task, sales teams and IT teams look for a solution that works with their existing ecosystem of tools. While seeking to revamp his sales processes, there are so many options, many companies don’t know where to start.