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Risk Management

What It Means to Be Customer-Obsessed

At Amazon, Jeff Bezos was famous for having an empty chair in the meeting room that represented the customer. I admire him for that because as the organization grows, it's easy to have meetings that are so focused on metrics, KPIs, internal execution, etc. that you lose sight of the customer. Here’s how we practice being customer-obsessed at SecurityScorecard: We make sure that we start every meeting by sharing customer insights, such as.

What are Tabletop Exercises? How They Can Improve Your Cyber Posture

According to the latest IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report, the average breach costs $4.35M per incident, climbing by 12.7% from 3.86 million USD in IBM’s 2020 report. This does not account for lost business opportunities and lingering reputational damage. A cybersecurity tabletop exercise could substantially reduce this amount simply by having a well-thought-out incident response plan and effectively exercising business continuity plans.

Security Insights on the Low-Code / No-Code Attack Vector

The August 4th compromise of Twilio via a targeted smishing attack has been a topic of wide concern and discussion on social media. My first thoughts on hearing of the attack were to virtually “pat myself down” with regard to exposure risk. Kind of like that feeling when you’re not sure if your car keys or wallet are in your pocket a few blocks after walking away from your parking space. Is my company affected by the breach? Did we receive a notification email from them?

TTPs Associated With a New Version of the BlackCat Ransomware

The BlackCat/ALPHV ransomware is a complex threat written in Rust that appeared in November 2021. In this post, we describe a real engagement that we recently handled by giving details about the tools, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by this threat actor. Firstly, the attacker targeted an unpatched Microsoft Exchange server and successfully dropped webshells on the machine.

How To Respond To Tough Questions From Leadership Teams Faster and Better

Have you ever been asked difficult questions from your leadership teams that you couldn’t answer? How do you intelligently and succinctly respond to the following questions and have the supporting data to back up your metrics and business outcomes? Regardless of your role in compliance, risk management or information security, these questions can potentially trigger a mild case of anxiety or even a full on panic attack, depending on your organization’s level of control maturity.

Should You Worry About Ransomware Attacks?

Over $800,000 - that’s the cost of the average ransomware payout last year. 66% of mid-sized organizations and about 37% of global organizations got hit. (Sources cited below) Attackers have developed new techniques that a lot of companies aren’t aware of or prepared for. For example, the demand for ransomware as a service has hugely increased, resulting in many more organizations being hacked every day.