Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2021

Cybersecurity Due Diligence in M&A

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) enable companies to add products and services to their portfolios, giving them a way to scale their business. To gain true visibility into a company’s long-term impact on your organization’s bottom line, you need to understand all assets and liabilities, including digital ones.

4 Steps To Lower Your Digital Risk

Business decision-makers are inundated today with messages about the importance of digital transformation and innovation. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you're told, you need to take full advantage of the cloud, move to microservices, replace your VMs with containers and so on. Yet what often gets lost or overlooked in those conversations is the digital risk that goes hand-in-hand with digital transformation.

Fortifying Cyber Defense: How to Act Now to Protect Global Supply Chains

This webinar was hosted by Ignyte Assurance Platform and Federal Publication Seminars on 18 June 2021. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), under the Department of Homeland Security, launches a campaign to reduce the risk of ransomware. Following an executive order signed by President Biden on May 12, 2021, which aims to increase cybersecurity defenses and resiliency against nation-state data exfiltration and hold global criminals accountable for ransomware attacks.

What If You Had Advance Notice of a Ransomware Attack?

One of the worst things about ransomware attacks isn’t just the mayhem they cause as your data is encrypted by criminals and your business is put on hold — it’s not knowing when they’ll happen. But what if you had some advance notice about the next cyberattack before it hit? What if you could find out if your data was up for bid on the dark web?

What Is a Quality Management System?

A quality management system (QMS) is a system that documents the policies, business processes, and procedures necessary for an organization to create and deliver its products or services to its customers, and therefore increase customer satisfaction through high product quality. In short, a QMS helps a company meet its regulatory requirements and customer requirements, and make continuous improvements to its operations.

What Are Audit Procedures for Internal Controls?

Audit procedures are the processes and methods auditors use to obtain sufficient, appropriate audit evidence to give their professional judgment about the effectiveness of an organization’s internal controls. Internal controls are the mechanisms and standards that businesses use to protect their sensitive data and IT systems; or as a means of providing accountability on financial statements and accounting records.

Reciprocity Named Leader for GRC Platforms in G2 Summer 2021 Grid Report

ZenGRC Platform Designated ‘Leader’ and ‘High Performer’ by Users SAN FRANCISCO – June 29, 2021 – Reciprocity, a leader in information security risk and compliance, today announced its ZenGRC® platform was recognized as a Leader in G2’s Summer 2021 Grid for GRC Platforms, and as a High Performer in the Third Party & Supplier Risk Management category.

5 Cyber Risks SLED Agencies Need to Protect Against

Last year was a tough one for schools, local, and state governments. Not simply because of COVID-19, which forced every local government and school to navigate a pandemic, but also because the pandemic brought with it a different set of dangers. While local governments and schools were trying to figure out remote learning, remote work, and how to run public meetings safely and effectively online, cybercriminals took advantage of the fact that the remote world is new to most small governments.

How Security & IT Teams Can Manage the Shift to the New Normal

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted businesses in ways that few had planned for, resulting in shutdowns, global economic downturn, supply chain volatility, and a sudden uptick in e-commerce and remote work. The disruption is straining security and IT teams who have to quickly respond and adapt to a series of unanticipated business events. How can security and IT teams stay agile, enable business resilience, and manage the shift to the new normal?

Security is Everyone's Job: 11 Questions You Should Be Asking

One of the most common misconceptions about cybersecurity is that the responsibility and ownership sits solely on the shoulders of the CISO and the security team. Common assumptions are anything related to cybersecurity, a security issue or security initiative resides with the security team and the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Phishing attacks? That’s a problem for the security department. Vetting vendors and third parties? That belongs to the vendor management team.

Securing the Supply Chain

This webinar was hosted by Ignyte Assurance Platform and MAGNET: The Manufacturing Advocacy and Growth Network. How to protect your assets from cyber threats and attacks Guidance on the latest and necessary cybersecurity requirements and legislations Find out what your business needs to comply with and what it takes to get there in the shortest possible time Learn what’s the most efficient way to maximize your efforts and resources in cybersecurity

What is Access Control? Components and Types

Digital transformation changes the perimeter. When organizations had all their applications on-premises, the network firewall kept the right users inside the gate and malicious actors outside. However, the move to the cloud changed all that. In today’s hyper-connected ecosystem, understanding the components and types of access control can help you strengthen security.

Risk Management Process For Insurance Companies

Insurance companies know how to protect their clients’ homes, cars, and businesses— but protecting the personal information of those customers is a bit harder to assure. While the insurance industry focuses on risk-based analyses for its own underwriting programs, firms also need to apply those same risk management processes to securing customer information.

What's the System Description of a SOC 2 Report?

A SOC 2 system description outlines the boundaries of a SOC report. It contains pertinent details regarding the people, processes, and technology that support your product, software, or service. As a reminder, the SOC framework stands for System and Organization Controls. It is a broad architecture that organizations can use to audit the internal controls of vendors and business partners before entering a relationship with those firms, to assess whether those firms have a robust security posture.

Top 5 Security Risks of Cloud Computing

Many businesses are shifting workloads to the cloud in an effort to increase efficiency and streamline workloads. In fact, according to the Flexera 2021 State of the Cloud Report, roughly 90% of enterprises anticipate cloud usage will expand even further as a result of COVID-19. While cloud computing can offer organizations a competitive advantage, it is important not to rush into cloud adoptions without understanding the risks involved as well.

A Beginner's Guide to Risk Mitigation and Management for Security and Compliance Professionals

Good data governance can go a long way toward reducing business risk. If your content and your data are secure, you’ve eliminated danger to your customers’ information and secured your proprietary information. From a digital perspective, you’re ahead of the game. But data governance shouldn’t be your only concern.

Are U.S. Companies Affected by the GDPR?

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation applies to any organization that operates in the EU or that collects or processes the personal data of EU citizens. So if a business in the United States (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter) does handle such data — yes, the GDPR can apply to you. That said, the exact compliance requirements will vary depending on the size of your company and how you process and store the applicable data.

What is Third-Party Risk Management?

Third-party risk management (TPRM), also known as “vendor risk management” is the process of managing risks introduced to your business by your organization’s vendors, suppliers, contractors, and service providers. Any outside party that plays a significant part in your company’s ecosystem or supply chain is considered a third-party vendor.

SecurityScorecard Finds USAID Hack Much Larger Than Initially Thought

SecurityScorecard’s Investigations & Analysis team conducted an investigation into the details surrounding the attack. As has been previously reported, the attack has been potentially attributed to the organization commonly known as Cozy Bear, but our investigation found that the campaign is likely much larger, and began much earlier than has been reported.

Privacy Laws Comparison: Russia vs. China vs. USA

The data privacy regimes in Russia, China, and the United States are very different from the regimes elsewhere. The financial lure of selling to, or processing data on, EU residents is strong, which has led other countries to adopt the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or something like it. Russia, China, and the United States are large enough for other forces to dominate, including the desire to have their citizens’ data stored locally, as we’ll see.

What is an Advanced Persistent Threat in Cybersecurity?

Corporate cybersecurity professionals must be on constant alert to avoid the wide range of cyberattacks that can be thrown at them today: malware, ransomware, trojan horses, social engineering, and spear-phishing attacks, to name just a few. Among the most serious of attacks is the advanced persistent threat (APT). An APT is an attack that uses sophisticated methods to gain access to information systems and sensitive information.

Forrester Total Economic Impact of SecurityScorecard Study: Automate - Don't Excel

One of the key reasons SecurityScorecard commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) Study was to help the market move on from using spreadsheets as a Vendor Risk Management (VRM) tool. The primary reason for IT teams to look at SecurityScorecard or any other VRM automation platform is simple. IT (Information Technology) will help IT teams get better leverage on their two rarest commodities in the security world, time and talent.

Why Is Cybersecurity Important?

It’s the stuff of IT managers’ nightmares and it is coming to a server near you: ransomware attacks, phishing schemes, privacy breaches, and other yet-to-be imagined cyber threats aiming to pilfer the sensitive data stored on your IT systems. Cybercriminals target large companies like Microsoft, Equifax, Expedia, and Barnes & Noble just to mention a few big victims from 2020.

5 Risk Mitigation Strategies That Can Save Your Business Lots of Money

Businesses sit on massive, ever-growing piles of data. According to Dave Reinsel, senior vice president, IDC's Global DataSphere, 64.2 zettabytes (ZB) of data was created or replicated in 2020. And the amount of digital data created over the next five years will be greater than twice the amount of data created since the advent of digital storage. But data isn’t just growing, it is spreading to more applications, more users, and more devices than ever.

Due Care vs. Due Diligence: What's the Difference?

Cybersecurity is more than “just” technology these days. With legislative bodies increasingly writing more laws, technology and legal terminologies have become more intertwined than ever before. As organizations build cyber risk strategies, they need to understand risk mitigation’s underlying goal. This is why understanding the difference between due care and due diligence is important to how you set your risk mitigation strategies.

What is Penetration Testing? Pen Tests Defined

Penetration testing, also known as “pen testing,” is an intentional, simulated cyberattack against your IT systems to find vulnerabilities and test the efficacy of cybersecurity controls. For example, penetration testers can use this tactic to improve web application security mechanisms such as firewalls. Pen testing might involve an attempt to breach access controls to gain access to a private network.

Spring Launch 2021: See Risk | Solve Problems | Report Results

Security leaders are facing a trifecta of challenges: more sophisticated and frequent cyber attacks, expanding regulations and government mandates, and organizational leaders seeking risk management assurances. CISO’s SecOps and VRM teams need complete visibility to threats across their entire attack surface, with insights to take immediate action, and timely reporting for key stakeholders. SecurityScorecard empowers you to see and understand cybersecurity risk in your organization and across your ecosystem with 360° visibility and seamless workflow integration with your security stack.

What to Know About SecurityScorecard's Integrate360° Marketplace

The old saying “it takes a village” applies to many things in life, including securing your organization. Security is a team sport that requires a variety of solutions and providers — such as a firewall, endpoint protection, security information and event management (SIEM), threat intelligence provider, IT service management (ITSM), governance, risk, and compliance solution (GRC), and cloud access security broker (CASB) — to name a few.

What Is the Principle of Least Privilege?

As you go about the work of managing your IT environment, it’s likely that you already apply the Principle of Least Privilege (POLP, also known as “least privilege access”) — probably without giving this important concept a second thought. After all, not every employee in your company has admin rights on your website, or access to your financial accounts.

57 Cybersecurity Terms You Should Know in 2021

Cybersecurity can seem intimidating, especially when you’re not already familiar with security and IT. There are so many threats and a lot of terms you need to know in order to understand the countermeasures that can help keep your data safe from attackers. What is an attack surface, after all? And what’s a rootkit? Non-technical employees and decision-makers might find their eyes glazing over when cybersecurity terms start getting thrown around.

What is Zero Trust Architecture?

Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) means exactly that: compliance officers and IT security teams are trained to not trust any network activity, anywhere, at any given time — not even on the inside of their own computer network. Don’t panic; ZTA is not as difficult to work with as it sounds. It’s simply a different way of approaching cybersecurity. So let’s take a look at how it works.

JBS Ransomware Attack Started in March and Much Larger in Scope than Previously Identified

SecurityScorecard also found that 1 in 5 of the world’s food processing, production, and distribution companies rated have a known vulnerability in their exposed Internet assets

Why Digital Risk Protection on Social Media is a Must For Online Retailers

Updated as of June 7th 2021 It's an excellent time to be an online retailer. In 2021, over 230 million Americans will be shopping digitally, positioning the United States as one of the leading e-commerce markets. Social platforms are highly influential with millennials, teens, and Gen Z consumers; 50 percent of college students have purchased on Instagram, and 48% of U.S. internet users aged 18 to 34 years have purchased through social media this year.

What Is Cloud Infrastructure?

The term “cloud infrastructure” refers to both the hardware systems and software applications that support a cloud computing environment. This might include cloud storage, virtualization applications, IT management tools, API connectivity, and relevant cloud service providers. In a cloud computing environment, all of the aforementioned IT infrastructure components would be hosted offsite by a service provider and delivered through an internet network.

What Are the Types of Information Security Controls?

When safeguarding your business against cyberattacks and data breaches, CISOs and compliance officers can choose from all sorts of information security controls — everything from firewalls to malware detection applications, and much more. Thankfully you don’t have to start from scratch when implementing cybersecurity controls. Many standards and frameworks exist that can help you secure your IT systems properly.

Is NIST Mandatory?

You don’t have to spend a long time in the cybersecurity and information technology world before someone brings up NIST compliance. Since the agency’s inception in 1901 — yes, it’s that old — the National Institute of Standards and Technology has been trusted as the guardian of all proper measurements and standards, including cybersecurity standards meant to increase data security. NIST, which these days is part of the U.S.

Transforming the Way Organizations Understand and Communicate Cyber Risk

SecurityScorecard transforms the way organizations understand and communicate cyber risk. This animated video provides an introduction to SecurityScorecard and how organizations around the world use it to transform the way they understand, communicate, and report cyber risk.

Make Cybersecurity a Team Sport with SecurityScorecard

Is your team truly collaborative both inside and outside your organization when it comes to cybersecurity? Most organizations don't realize they lack a necessary cybersecurity solution to collaborate effectively and are not actually getting maximum value out of their existing investments. SecurityScorecard’s enhanced product suite for effective collaboration empowers Security and Risk Teams to collaborate more effectively. Being collaborative allows stakeholders to work faster, smarter, and win together with internal teams and their third parties around the globe

Introducing SecurityScorecard's Integrate360° Marketplace

Aleksandr Yampolskiy, SecurityScorecard Co-Founder and CEO, introduces Integrate360°, SecurityScorecard's Marketplace of Integrations and Apps. The Marketplace enhances the ability of SecurityScorecard customers to find, manage, and mitigate cybersecurity risk with out-of-the-box apps and integrations to extend the power of SecurityScorecard. We are the first cybersecurity ratings company with over 40 product integrations, security intelligence partners, and professional services. The SecurityScorecard Marketplace brings customers a one-stop shop where they can unlock, discover, and deploy additional trusted partner solutions and pre-built integrations on top of the SecurityScorecard platform.

How to Apply the Risk Management Framework (RMF)

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is most commonly associated with the NIST SP 800-37 guide for “Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach,” which has been available for FISMA compliance since 2004. It was updated in December 2018 to revision 2. This was the result of a Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative Interagency Working Group; it’s something that every agency of the U.S.

Five Steps to a Modern Cyber Risk Management Team

A company-wide cybersecurity strategy is absolutely essential to combat today's evolving risk landscape. This means breaking down silos and encouraging the engagement of security experts throughout different business units. By leveraging collective understanding to expose unknown threats, you can amplify the effectiveness of your security program and technology stack. We call this "Modern Cyber Risk Management".