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May 2022

Vulnerability Scanners: Passive Scanning vs. Active Scanning

Vulnerabilities in enterprise environments create many opportunities for cyber criminals to attack the organization. Bad actors may take advantage of security misconfigurations, broken authentication processes, buffer overflows, and other vulnerabilities to spread malware, launch account takeover attacks, and steal large amounts of sensitive data. As of April 2022, the U.S.

The Aftermath: Steps to Recovering from a Malware Attack

Malware (shorthand for “malicious software”) is any intrusive software that can infiltrate your computer systems to damage or destroy them or to steal data from them. The most common types of malware attacks include viruses, worms, Trojans, and ransomware. Malware attacks are pervasive, and can be devastating to an unprepared business. Preparing for such attacks also means accepting the reality that eventually you will fall victim to one – and that you can then recover from it swiftly.
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Four Takeaways as the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Turns 4

May 25 2022, marked four years since the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect. Although the scope of the law is limited to personal data originating from activities in the European Economic Area, the ensuing requirements have had a global impact. This is evident in similar laws that have been proposed or passed and measures multinational organizations have taken to comply with privacy requirements. In parallel, there has been a convergence of a principles' based approach to cybersecurity in many jurisdictions worldwide.

Jira Integration Demo with UpGuard's Product Marketing Manager, Annie Luu

Hear from UpGuard's Product Marketing Manager, Annie Luu, as she introduces you to UpGuard's new Jira Integration feature. UpGuard's Jira integration plugs directly into your workflow management, giving you the flexibility to present only the information you want to the relevant people to address security risks promptly. =========== CHAPTERS:=========== Interested in finding out more about UpGuard?

How to Use Cyber Assurance Programs to Manage Risk Based on Business Outcomes

If you’ve been following any of our recent webinars or in-person presentations, you’ve heard us talk a lot about shifting the mindset from a focus on compliance to a risk-first approach. We’ve discussed that the best way to do this is to align your risk management program to specific outcomes, where compliance becomes a subset of your risk management program. But what does that mean specifically? And what are some examples of how this can be done?

KillNet Utilizes CC-Attack: A Quick & Dirty DDoS Method

During the course of 2022, SecurityScorecard has been tracking multiple DDoS campaigns that have been targeting entities within the Ukrainian government, as well as other European government targets that are perceived to be allied with Ukraine government interests. One of the groups at the forefront of these DDoS attacks is the hacking collective known as KillNet.

5 Ways to Effectively Prevent Data Leakage

Nowadays, it’s common to hear about yet another high-profile security breach in which critical data is leaked, resulting in damage to the organization’s reputation and bottom line. Unfortunately, it's impossible to remove all risks in your organization but there are ways to best protect against them and improve your security posture.

Remediation Requests within RIsk Assessments Demo with Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert

Hear from UpGuard's Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Remediation Requests within Risk Assessments feature. You can now also send remediation requests from within risk assessments, enabling you to track the progress of each item under remediation and have a record of the remediation request embedded directly into the point-in-time risk assessment.

Vendor Portfolios Demo with UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya

Learn from UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Vendor Portfolios feature. Vendor portfolios provide security teams greater control over user permissions by giving them the ability to define access to all or selected portfolios for each user on the platform based on their role in the organization.

CISO Insights: The Power of Risk Intelligence

In today’s digitally-connected world, cyber risk is no longer a matter of probabilities, but certainties. This requires CISOs to rethink their reactive risk management program by evolving to embrace a proactive risk intelligence approach. With a risk intelligence-informed program, CISOs and their teams can continuously collect insights in a way that enables proactive, holistic, and data-driven decisions about security.

Creating a Vendor Risk Management Framework

Global third-party suppliers have become an essential resource for many companies, providing crucial strategic and competitive support. Outsourcing, however, is not without its dangers. As dependency on third parties grows, so do the chances of supply chain, compliance, or reputation risks that hit your organization through those third parties. Your management team will need to address those risks somehow.

Security Ratings Recognized in NIST Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management Update

On May 5, 2022, the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) formally recognized outside-in third party security ratings and vendor risk assessment in their update to Special Publication 800-161. This update to federal standards specifically cites security ratings as a “foundational capability that "provide 14028." NIST SP 800-161 was designed to standardize supply chain risk management best practices for federal agencies and industry.

5 Historic Third Party Breaches

Third-party data breaches are one of the most concerning issues in cybersecurity today. You need your third parties to do business, but you can’t always trust (or verify) that their cybersecurity controls are as strong as they say, no matter how many questionnaires you send out. And of course, cybercriminals know that by hitting vendors rather than every single company separately, they can get the most ill-gotten gains for their effort.

Monitoring Data Risks & Investigating Threats Faster With the Rubrik Data Observability Engine

Why is it that the most impressive technologies are often the ones that go unnoticed? Sometimes what makes technology impressive is precisely that it goes unnoticed, and that is the case with the Rubrik Data Observability engine. As ransomware continues to grow as a real, costly, and persistent threat to conducting business, organizations are looking for smarter and faster ways to keep data safe and recover easily in the face of cyber attacks.

Third-Party Risk Management Regulations: What You Should Know

Without a doubt, partnering with third parties has many advantages, including boosting the functionalities and performance of an organization. But despite the benefits, third parties also introduce a host of risks to an organization, potentially disrupting operations, affecting financial standing, and harming reputation. An understanding of third-party risk management regulations is essential in order to protect your organization from a security breach and maintain a positive security posture.

Municipal Cybersecurity Plan: Top 5 Factors to Incorporate

Cyber attacks on state and local governments continue to be on the rise. With more attacks targeting municipalities, there needs to be a push toward boosting cyber preparedness. Even though the risks remain at an all-time high for municipalities, the lack of budget and knowledge has caused officials to put cybersecurity on the back burner.

5 Things Keeping You From Risk Management Eutopia

There are a lot of buzzwords and hot topics in the cyber security industry but there’s one thing we GRC professionals can not agree upon … risk assessments. Some people start with a pre-built risk register while others start by conducting internal surveys. Some re-assess risk annually, some use mathematical equations and some still use spreadsheets!

What is the NIST Supply Chain Risk Management Program?

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is a federal agency under the responsibility of the US Department of Commerce. Established in 1901 to promote innovation and industrial competitiveness in the US, NIST helps organizations advance measurement science, technology, and standards to improve the quality of life for citizens and enhance economic security.

What Sets SecurityScorecard Apart!

Here are 3 things that set SecurityScorecard apart from the competition: Massive data set: We’ve rated 12 million organizations worldwide. If an organization is not on the data set, it takes us just a few minutes to rate it while our competitors take days to do the same. Huge marketplace of applications and services: We have 100s of partners that enrich the value of our platform.

Why Risk Intelligence is Today's Top Security Priority

$132.94 billion. That’s the size of the cybersecurity market today. But despite the massive investment in money, time, and expertise, organizations have never been more at risk of an attack. What’s causing the disconnect? Despite all the effort to ensure security, there is an equally massive and growing effort to exploit vulnerable organizations.

Raising Standards in Risk Management for UK Public Sector

The UK’s public sector has now had three months to digest the first UK Government Cyber Security Strategy and start building it into their short and long-term plans. With the strategy specifically calling upon public sector organisations to lead by example, the clock is ticking for action to follow the guidelines.

New York Department of Financial Services Modernizes Regulatory Oversight through Establishing First-of-its-Kind Use Case with SecurityScorecard

New York DFS is working with SecurityScorecard to further support the department’s first-in-the-nation cybersecurity efforts to modernize its supervision process. The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) is now working with SecurityScorecard to modernize its approach toward regulatory oversight.

Reciprocity Community Edition Best Practices: How to Get Started with the Reciprocity ROAR Platform

The Reciprocity® Community Edition is now available and is your chance to see the new Reciprocity ROAR Platform in action and it…is…totally…free! This is a great opportunity for you to not only get an instance of the ROAR Platform but also to see how the Reciprocity Community can provide you with meaningful content and connections to other organizations facing similar challenges. And did I mention that it’s free?!?

What Is COBIT?

COBIT is an acronym for Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies. The COBIT framework was created by Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA to bridge the crucial gap between technical issues, business risks and control requirements. COBIT is an IT governance framework for businesses that want to implement, monitor and improve their IT management best practices.

Vulnerability, Threats, Exploits and their relationship with risk

When protecting an organisation against cyber attacks, the words security threats, vulnerabilities, risk exposure, and sometimes exploits are seen very commonly. Unfortunately, these terms are not used correctly or interchangeably and are often left undefined.

What Elon Musk Taught Me About Scaling a Company

About 5-6 years ago, I was privileged to meet Elon Musk. Here’s what he told me: As your company gets bigger, you need to create deliberate channels for communication. The communication should not just flow top-down hierarchically, where an employee talks to their direct reports, they talk to their manager, and then to the next one. You need to create the path for the shortest communication by making yourself available to various employees within the company.

How Big is Your Attack Surface? - The So What About Third Party Vendors

Your organization’s attack surface can be a tricky thing to monitor. In our connected world, it seems like your attack surface is always expanding. That’s probably true. Attack surface expansion has exploded, driven by cloud adoption, the use of SaaS (software as a service) tools, and the fact that so many organizations have come to rely on third-party vendors.