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How YellowAI Uses AWS & Snyk: Securing Cloud & Apps Using a Developer-First Approach

Citu Singh of CNBC-TV18 asks technology business leaders to share their philosophy on developing applications quickly and safely. Apoorva Gaurav, VP of Engineering from YellowAI, talks about how his team uses Snyk, while Shaun McLagan, VP of Snyk APJ, shares the benefits of a developer-first approach to security.

Dev-First Prevention Strategies

Security and engineering teams often fail to find a balance between meeting the necessary security objectives for their organization and ensuring maximum velocity. While security teams view the process of blocking new critical severity vulnerabilities as a basic security best practice, engineering teams often push back out of fear that it will create too much friction for their developers. This dynamic is often based on prior experience with legacy security systems that focus almost solely on the needs of security and fail to support developers in this process.

Stranger Danger: Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building JavaScript applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome - you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility has broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.

Snyk Workflows - Basic Workflows (IDE & CLI)

Snyk integrates with your IDEs, repos, workflows, and automation pipelines to add security expertise to your toolkit. The “menu” of options available to you is extensive, so we created this three-part series to get you started and running. The first session covers basic workflows in the IDE and CLI. You’ll learn to proactively plan how to leverage Snyk in different places and different ways. We will cover basic workflows and how to use them, as well as quick tips.

Best Practices for Your First 30 Days with Snyk, January 2023 - Snyk Customer Office Hours

As a new Snyk customer, do you want to get started with Snyk while following best practices? Or are you interested in learning about: Account set up strategies SSO and user provisioning Notification and automation settings and more...