1Password 8 for Windows is here!
Got a Windows PC? You can now enjoy the modern design, improved productivity, and enhanced security & privacy of the all-new 1Password 8. 🥳
Got a Windows PC? You can now enjoy the modern design, improved productivity, and enhanced security & privacy of the all-new 1Password 8. 🥳
Got a Windows PC and love dark mode? You can now enjoy the modern design, improved productivity, and enhanced security & privacy of the all-new 1Password 8, all in glorious dark mode. 🤘
More than half of businesses are in the “Data Ditch”. More than half of businesses have started to invest in their Data Maturity and have begun to make smarter, wider use of their data. And by more than 10 metrics of business performance, they are worse off than if they had not bothered. Meanwhile, a third of businesses have come out the other side and have seen dramatic upticks to their performance. and more...
As we embark on another holiday season in the United States, we are being told to start our holiday shopping even earlier this year to avoid some of the delays in shipping. These slowdowns stem from a number of factors, including container shortages, Covid-19 outbreaks that backlogged ports, and a dearth of truck drivers and warehouse workers. Even without the shortages and slowdowns, retailers are in for a long holiday season ahead of them as sales are predicted to grow by 7% this holiday season.
Digital transformation was well underway before the pandemic and in order to enable remote work and e-commerce, organizations have been adding new digital offerings at an unprecedented rate. Businesses are growing increasingly reliant on digital infrastructure with the expectation to secure a shifting cloud while managing a hybrid workforce and a growing IoT.
In 2020, we saw cybersecurity move from a technical problem to become a business enabler. In 2022, we will see 5G go from new technology to a business enabler bringing previously unimaginable use cases because of its high bandwidth and lower latency. Data from the current AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report shows that 5G technology is being driven by the line of business and has been siloed between IT and OT organizations.
As a developer, I spend a lot of time in my GitHub account. I write apps, little utilities, and proof of concepts for when I am learning something new. I like to think that, because I spend a lot of time on GitHub, the overall health of my account is pretty high.
Malware is continuously mutating, targeting new services and platforms. The Sysdig Security Research team has identified the famous Muhstik Botnet with new behavior, attacking a Kubernetes Pod with the plan to control the Pod and mine cryptocurrency. A WordPress Kubernetes Pod was compromised by the Muhstik worm and added to the botnet. On the Pod has been deployed and executed various types of crypto miners, like xmra64andxmrig64.
Global organizations are working towards making data privacy a fundamental right. However, as the privacy paradigm shifts to a digital world, businesses are more exposed than ever before. That’s because security has not been the focus of this revolution in IT infrastructure.
Last week, we announced v5 of the ThreatQ platform with capabilities needed today to support the security operations center (SOC) of the future. SOCs have been maturing and evolving into detection and response organizations, a transformation that Gartner anticipated back in 2013 and deemed a requirement for this decade. I’m proud that ThreatQuotient has consistently been at the forefront of innovating and delivering what the SOC of the future needs.