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5 ways to Prevent Fraud against CNP Transactions

Digitalization has catapulted customer purchasing transactions to an unprecedented level. Online transaction payment methods have become so convenient that they have led to an unstoppable buying spree by consumers. These days there is nothing that can stop a desirous buyer from purchasing, probably not even when ‘he is not carrying plastic money or cash, as he has the option to pay using card data.

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Why Composable Analytics Matter for Multi-Cloud AIOps

There’s plenty of loaded terminology and buzzword bingo when it comes to the latest advances in cloud application delivery. Especially when it comes to multi-cloud – which should merely mean multiple cloud instances when modern cloud applications really leverage multiple hybrid IT operating models, atop both existing business silos and newer microservices application workloads.

What is Enterprise Code Signing Certificate [A Detailed Guide]

Each business today requires user data to provide a better customer experience. The widespread use of data has triggered cyberattacks so much that they have become a part of software too. As per stats, there were 121 ransomware attacks in the first half of 2021. And these attacks are primarily in the form of fake software. This is where code signing and Enterprise Code Signing Certificate come into the picture.

1Password SCIM bridge explained: what it is, and why we made it

The 1Password SCIM bridge is a powerful tool for businesses that want to use a password manager alongside an identity provider like Okta, Rippling, or Azure Active Directory. But if you haven’t used the SCIM bridge before, you might be wondering: What exactly is it? And does my company need a SCIM bridge?

Top Password Hygiene Best Practices for Remote Workers

With a growing number of organizations offering a remote or hybrid working option, many people are taking their workspaces home. Your team needs to know password hygiene best practices to ensure their home work environment is secure and protected. Sloppy employees who are not knowledgeable about password hygiene can pose a risk to themselves and their company. In fact, 82% of breaches involved a human element, according to Verizon’s 2022 DBIR.

3 Pitfalls of On-Premises Password Managers

Poor password practices are one of the biggest threats to enterprise cybersecurity. Stolen or compromised passwords cause over 80% of successful data breaches. When employees use weak passwords, reuse passwords across accounts, or store their passwords insecurely (sticky notes, spreadsheets, etc.), they put their employers at risk. Organizations often leverage enterprise password managers to alleviate poor employee password practices.

Through the Looking Glass of Risk: An Analysis of the SOCI Reforms as a Case Study for critical Infrastructure Security Regulation

This blog examines some interesting aspects of the recent reforms to Australia's Security of Critical Infrastructure Act - specifically related to the new risk management obligations that have been introduced. We'll unpack some of the ambiguities that exist and remain to be clarified in this specific area of the reforms.

To vCISO or not to vCISO?

Chief Information Security Officers know all about the “Sea of troubles,” and they experience “slings and arrows” daily. In mid-September, we saw a breach of Uber that threatened to undo the company’s security program - for exposing a fairly easy path to super admin privileges across most (if not all) of its infrastructure and security tools like GSuite, AWS, and HackerOne private vulnerability reports. The stakes are high.