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"Gitting" the Malware: How Threat Actors Use GitHub Repositories to Deploy Malware

The CrowdStrike Falcon Complete™ managed detection and response (MDR) team recently uncovered a creative and opportunistic interpretation of a watering hole attack that leverages GitHub to gain access to victim organizations. In the observed cases, there were no phishing emails, no exploitation of public-facing vulnerabilities, no malvertising and no compromised credentials.

How to Use Cyber Risk Quantification for Vendor Risk Management

The purpose of vendor risk management is to strike a delicate balance between facilitating the needs of the business by integrating new vendors and ensuring that those same business partners don’t exceed the organization’s risk appetite. Maintaining a healthy balance between those two interests requires leaders to always consider broader business goals when executing VRM strategies.

Extortion and Adaptability: Ransomware Motives Remain Consistent as Tactics Change

Ransomware has traditionally revolved around the encryption of victims’ files. But even if encryption remains ransomware groups’ most common approach, it isn’t really their priority–extortion is. Financially-motivated cybercriminals care more about extracting payment from their victims than they do about the particular methods used to achieve that goal.

How to Mitigate Risks When Your Data is Scattered Across Clouds

Cloud applications have opened up limitless opportunities for most organizations. They make it easier for people to collaborate and stay productive, and require a lot less maintenance to deploy, which means they’re much more affordable and easy to scale to your needs. But for all of their benefits, cloud apps also open up your organization to a host of new risks. By enabling users anywhere access to corporate resources you lose the visibility and control that perimeter-based tools provide.

How Your Healthcare Organization Can Achieve Cloud Cybersecurity and Compliance

Healthcare leaders are embracing cloud technologies to connect information across the continuum of care, engage more patients, and unlock the potential of health data. While the cloud streamlines healthcare operations, it also presents challenges for organizations that must meet the stringent data security requirements of HIPAA and other security standards.

Your Definitive Guide to Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

With high-profile data breaches making headlines on a regular basis, it’s no wonder that data security is top of mind for so many organizations. But what exactly is data security posture management (DSPM)? In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at DSPM and how it can help your business keep its data safe and secure.

Top Tips in Honor of National Insider Threat Awareness Month

As National Insider Threat Awareness Month draws to a close, Egnyte is taking this opportunity to reinforce everyday best practices that companies like yours need to follow. The goal of the month is to educate U.S. government and industry leaders about the risks of insider threats and how to effectively address them.

How Colleges & Universities Can Reduce Vendor Security Risks

Higher education institutions, like colleges and universities, often work with dozens of third-party vendors, which can introduce considerable security risks if the school doesn't maintain a proper vendor risk management (VRM) program. Compromised third parties can pose serious risks to universities, which can expose sensitive data, disrupt business continuity, or incur serious financial damages.