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Getting Open Policy Agent Up and Running

Today, more organizations than ever use Open Policy Agent (OPA) as the de facto standard for policy enforcement across the cloud native stack. A graduated project from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), OPA has dozens of use cases — from Kubernetes guardrails, to microservices authorization, to infrastructure-as-a-service controls — that are leveraged by millions of users.

Snyk provides native integration for Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud security

We’re excited to share that we have enhanced our partnership with Atlassian. In support of this partnership, today we are releasing full availability of the new integration, which natively embeds Snyk into Bitbucket Cloud for security. The Snyk security integration is free and easy to set up with just a few clicks inside the Bitbucket Cloud product. For the first time, developers can consume information that was previously only available inside Snyk now within Bitbucket Cloud.

Palo Alto Networks teams with AT&T to deliver managed SASE

Remote workforces accessing applications and data that are located anywhere is the “new normal.” Across the globe, organizations of all sizes are struggling to modernize their infrastructures to accommodate this new reality while accelerating their digital transformation initiatives.

Research Shows Over 100,000 Libraries Affected By Maven Vulnerability CVE-2021-26291

By Jonathan Leitschuh; Daniel Elkabes, Senior Security Researcher at WhiteSource; Ofir Keinan, Software Developer at WhiteSource The latest Maven release 3.8.1 contains a fix to security vulnerability CVE-2021-26291. Detected and reported by security researcher Jonathan Leitschuh, the vulnerability affects over 100,000 libraries in Maven Central, according to the WhiteSource security research and knowledge teams.

Are you GDPR 'data controller' or 'data processor'? Why is it important?

The responsibility for compliance with GDPR privacy laws, and the consequences of non-compliance can vary greatly from one organization to another. Often it is not clear who is responsible for data protection – whether or not they are a “data controller” or “data processor” – but here are some guidelines in order to help you determine which category your company falls into so as to best take necessary precautions against breaches or other potential illegalities.

Get Kubernetes Backup - CloudCasa - in 1-Click from DigitalOcean Marketplace

Are you a DigitalOcean vendor or user and developing or deploying a Kubernetes application? You may want to preserve your cluster configuration, backup your persistent volumes to protect them from ransomware, accidental deletion, and long-term retention policies. CloudCasa is the only data protection and disaster recovery solution that has been tested and certified as a 1-Click appliction with DigitalOcean Kubernetes and available in their marketplace.

Who Do You Trust? OAuth Client Application Trends

Federated identity systems, such as Google Identity, bring security and convenience in the form of SSO for Internet or cloud applications. It is common to be prompted for authentication in order to grant various levels of access or permissions for applications ranging from Google Drive, Google Cloud SDK, Google Chrome plugins, Slack, Adobe, Dropbox, or Atlassian to numerous third-party apps.

Cloud Threats Memo: Takeaways From the Q1 2021 Phishing Activity Trend Report

The Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) has just released its Phishing Activity Trend Report for Q1 2021. The first findings are easily predictable; the dispersion of the workforce is pushing phishing attacks to new records: just in January 2021, the APWG detected 245,771 unique phishing sites, the highest number reported so far.

What you need to know about Process Ghosting, a new executable image tampering attack

Security teams defending Windows environments often rely on anti-malware products as a first line of defense against malicious executables. Microsoft provides security vendors with the ability to register callbacks that will be invoked upon the creation of processes on the system. Driver developers can call APIs such as PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutineEx to receive such events.