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Code repository scanning & Container image registry scanning with Kubescape

New exciting Kubescape features have recently landed - Code repository scanning & Container image registry scanning! By enhancing Kubescape's security posture capabilities, you will be able to embed security even earlier in the SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) and in a broader range of places in your CI/CD pipeline.

3 examples of organizations that could have benefited from a CASB

In recent times, the widespread use of cloud services has become common for most organizations. While many organizations now enjoy the savings and convenience afforded by hosting their data and services on cloud platforms, this shift towards the cloud brings with an increased vulnerability to data theft and cyberattacks.

How to Share Passwords and MFA Codes with Employees

Organizations should implement consistent cybersecurity practices to protect their businesses and employees. Password sharing is a common but risky practice in many workplaces that can leave companies vulnerable to a data breach. Sharing passwords is sometimes unavoidable in the workplace, since many businesses often need multiple employees to access a single user account.

How to Create A Strong Password

The stronger your password is, the harder it will be for cybercriminals to it. It might be difficult to come up with secure passwords for the multiple logins required for online banking, credit cards, email accounts, social media and more. People establish easy-to-remember passwords that include their names, the names of their spouses and children, phone numbers, hometowns and other simple information.

As the cost of data breaches soars to an all-time high, what should your company do to guard its precious crown jewels?

No business can survive without data and tons of business data are churned daily. Of all data, intellectual property is at the heart of all business activities and the “Crown Jewels” of the organization. Therefore, to prevent information of an organization from being used for fraudulent activities, hacking, phishing, and identity theft it is important to protect the data.

Cross Account Replication of AWS RDS with Rubrik Security Cloud

The Relational Database Service (RDS) service offered by AWS is one of the most popular databases today. A lot of critical, confidential data resides inside of RDS. Hence it becomes imperative to protect this data from various threats and ensure that the data is secure. Our approach to protecting the data inside RDS is based on two aspects: Rubrik already supports a modern approach to safeguarding RDS data from an operational perspective and also maintains a clean, secure copy in a different region.

End to End Trust Building in Sharing Economy- How KYC is crucial

The sharing economy is a comparatively recent economic idea, yet it is fast increasing. It’s predicted to reach $335 billion by 2025. eBay was the first widely known sharing economy platform with online P2P buying and selling. After more than two decades of eBay, the sharing economy offers other solutions also, such as ride-sharing, crowdfunding, apartment sharing, and many others.

How Cyber Security Helps Identify Internet Frauds and Crimes

We all know that cybersecurity is an application of technologies that protect systems, networking programs, devices, and data from cyber-attacks. There are many cases of fraud reported every year. People who are using different networks want to keep themselves safe from online crime. In order to achieve this security, there is no need to heavily invest and hire computer experts; you can achieve it through cybersecurity.