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What is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) encompasses data that uniquely identifies an individual. Examples of PII include direct identifiers like full names, social security numbers, driver's license numbers, and indirect identifiers such as date of birth, email and IP addresses. The precise nature of PII can vary depending on the context and jurisdiction, but its defining characteristic is its ability to single out a specific person.

How Identity Security Enhances Network and Endpoint Security

The intersection of identity, endpoint, and network security is becoming increasingly self-evident. Despite all their efforts, modern organizations continue to struggle to safeguard their data and prevent unauthorized access. The Verizon Data Breach Investigations report for 2024 continues to highlight that human elements were a component of 68% of breaches.

Understanding the Global IT Outage Caused by a CrowdStrike Update

Today’s global IT outage affecting Microsoft Windows users was caused by a bug in a CrowdStrike product (Falcon Strike) protection content update. The resulting widespread impact demonstrates an urgent importance for maintaining strong quality assurance (QA) processes before products or their updates are released into production.

Fix CrowdStrike's BSOD with Hardening

CrowdStrike, is a prominent cybersecurity technology company that provides security services for endpoints, cloud workloads, identity, and data. They are well-known for their Falcon Sensor Software designed to protect against cyberattacks. On Thursday, July 18 2024 there was a crash on Microsoft systems related to an update in Falcon Sensor software. This update involved a single file that added extra logic for detecting bad actors.

Preparing for Cybersecurity Audits: Insights from US Regulations

Cybersecurity regulations often include audits that assess and strengthen an organization’s defenses against increasing cyber threats. In the United States, various cybersecurity regulations, including HIPAA, SOX, PCI DSS, and more, require audits. Each audit ensures your organization meets the required standards outlined in the regulation while also strengthening its overall cybersecurity framework.

Top Questions CISOs Should Ask: How To Guide The Development Of A Secure DevSecOps Strategy

With the threat landscape being on the rise, CISOs need to be much more attentive while building the organization’s security strategy. Constantly arising vulnerabilities, ransomware attacks, critical workflows, outages – all of that require CISOs to stay up to date to security issues and keep their finger on the pulse to change their security strategy once the prerequisites pop up. We’ve been tracking GitHub, GitLab, and Atlassian -related incidents for the latest few years…

SASE: Your Secret Weapon to Mastering DORA Compliance

A lot has happened since the 2008 financial crisis and credit crunch, including a significant increase in cloud app adoption in financial services and a rise in cyber attacks targeting those apps. To keep the financial sector safe and secure, the EU introduced new rules. Initially, these regulations focused on ensuring banks had enough capital to handle financial problems. However, as cyberattacks became a bigger threat, the EU recognised the need for additional measures.

Navigating Cybersecurity Requirements Under the Dodd-Frank Act

Over the last decade, cybersecurity has emerged as a critical concern for financial institutions. With cyberattacks increasing in frequency and sophistication, it has become imperative for institutions in the financial sector to safeguard sensitive data and implement robust data protection measures. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, commonly known as the Dodd-Frank Act, plays a crucial role in regulating the American financial services industry.