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Cybersecurity Threat Briefing for Organizations Under the SOCI in Australia

The Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) Act in Australia mandates that organizations operating within critical infrastructure sectors implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect against an increasingly diverse and sophisticated range of cyber threats. These sectors, which include energy, water, communications, healthcare, transport, and other essential services, are vital to national security, public safety, and economic stability.

Comprehensive Guide to Installing VIB Files on ESXi

ESXi is usually provided with the default configuration that includes a set of standard drivers and software tools for a specific version. This set of tools and drivers differs from one ESXi version to another. When running ESXi hosts, you may need to install additional drivers for the installed hardware, install software, or update software components or drivers. In this case, installing VIB files on ESXi is what you need.

Migrate VMs from VMWare ESXi to Proxmox VE

VM migration from VMware to Proxmox can be necessary whether an organization is diversifying its infrastructure or completely moving its production workloads to a new platform. There are two main methods to migrate virtual machines from VMware ESXi hosts to Proxmox VE hosts: manually and with special tools. This blog post provides a detailed step-by-step tutorial for the successful migration of virtual machines to Proxmox VE using the 2 methods.

Why Standard Approaches to Cloud Data Security Fall Short

Prioritizing cloud security looks different for every business. However, many businesses migrating to the cloud rely on conventional data security methods, including built-in tools from cloud providers and ad hoc measures. Unfortunately, these traditional approaches often fall short, leaving critical gaps in protection and hindering true cloud-powered innovation. Ensuring secure cloud services are multifaceted, let’s dive deeper into the impacts, strategies, and solutions.

Protecting NATO Secret and Foreign Government Information

We’ve talked a lot on this blog about protecting controlled unclassified information, and we’ve mentioned in places some other kinds of information, like classified and secret information, covered defense information, and other protected information. There’s one thing all of this information has in common: it’s generated by the United States government.

Hypervisor Development in Rust for Security Researchers (Part 1)

In the ever-evolving field of information security, curiosity and continuous learning drive innovation. This blog series is tailored for those deeply engaged in experimental projects, leveraging Rust's capabilities to push the boundaries of what's possible. The focus on Rust, after exploring various programming languages, has led to the creation of several cutting-edge projects that are highlighted in this report.

Passwork: The ultimate self-hosted solution for password management

In the current cybersecurity landscape, protecting sensitive information is more crucial than ever. Password managers have become an essential tool for businesses to manage credentials securely and efficiently. With numerous options on the market, finding the right password manager can be overwhelming, especially for companies seeking full control over their data. Enter Passwork-a self hosting password manager designed specifically for businesses.