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SQL Injection in Today's Landscape

A SQL injection flaw allows for an attacker to modify or inject SQL syntax into the request to make the application behave in a manner that was not initially intended. In other words, an attacker can change a database query to: Now with almost all web applications having integrations with databases in some way, this flaw has the potential to arise often. However, many frameworks and libraries are available to make database connections and queries safe.

How to Perform a Comprehensive Network Vulnerability Assessment

Despite growing awareness and prioritization of cybersecurity, close to 22,000 vulnerabilities were published in 2021 alone. This concerning number proves that awareness and a willingness to invest in cybersecurity aren’t always enough to protect your organization’s network, and that network vulnerability is far from a problem of the past. To protect your networks, you need to continually monitor and assess their potential vulnerabilities to guarantee security.

Cyber Security in 2021 - What Happened?

2021 was quite a year. Some things changed, and some things very much stayed the same. The world of cyber security was not immune to this zeitgeist, with some aspects of the threat landscape persisting and some rapidly changing and evolving. This piece will examine the key trends in the cybersecurity threat landscape that we saw over the last year.

How to Perform a Comprehensive Network Vulnerability Assessment

Despite growing awareness and prioritization of cybersecurity, close to 22,000 vulnerabilities were published in 2021 alone. This concerning number proves that awareness and a willingness to invest in cybersecurity aren’t always enough to protect your organization’s network, and that network vulnerability is far from a problem of the past. To protect your networks, you need to continually monitor and assess their potential vulnerabilities to guarantee security.

What the sysadmin misses, Desktop Central catches!

Most people are fairly good at reading, but not enough are good at reading between the lines. More often than not, there are certain things hidden in plain sight that may not catch your attention. The eyes of a system administrator are often glued to tasks like system maintenance and user administration. When engaged in many tasks at once, it is only human to overlook a few things like patch and antivirus updates, but it can cost an organization dearly in terms of data security.

Three things you should know about SASE and SD-WAN

As organizations have accelerated their plans to better enable dispersed workforces in a post-pandemic reality, many technology decision-makers are broadly rethinking their network architectures. Inevitably their discussions lead to comparisons and debates over both software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) and secure access service edge (SASE) technologies.

Teaming up with Sysdig to deliver developer and runtime Kubernetes security

Today, we’re excited to announce a partnership with Sysdig to provide container and Kubernetes security together — from code to cluster. Together, Snyk and Sysdig can help developers secure code and containers in development, protect the runtime Kubernetes environment, and deliver feedback and visibility from production back to developers, eliminating the noise of container vulnerabilities.