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The Changing State of Cybersecurity: 5 Data-Backed Predictions

Cybersecurity is never static, and that’s especially true today. After widespread and frequent disruptions in the past few years, the cyber defense landscape is shifting. Favored attack vectors are changing, new threats are emerging, and organizations are rethinking their cybersecurity focus. Staying safe in the next few years requires an understanding of these developments. With that in mind, here are five data-backed predictions for how the state of cybersecurity will change.

Email Security Trends Coming in 2022

Organizations are under constant threat of cybercrime. While there are many available attack vectors, email is the most obvious path towards a full network compromise. The notion that email security should be prioritized is emphasized during this time where more and more businesses are still working in a remote or hybrid dynamic environment.

Employee Monitoring - Who's watching you?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been responsible for shifting working arrangements from fixed locations and office hours to remote working, with dispersed teams and flexible working patterns. Changing working environments has led businesses to embrace new ways to monitor their workforce's activity and productivity and ensure work goals are being met.

Webcam security in the age of Zoom

The trusty webcam used to be a “nice to have” for the occasional job interview, virtual hangout, or simple YouTube recording. But that all changed when the pandemic started. In just a few months it became a daily tool for people around the world, from fully remote businesses to families and friends kept apart in lockdown.

Apple Cyber Attacks: Mobile Devices Still at Risk

Apple iPhone users are one of the largest targets when it comes to cyber-attacks. Apple uncovered its biggest hack in history last November, which went undetected for five years. At the time they alerted users who had fallen victim to the colossal Apple cyber attack. The hack targeted Apple’s iCloud service and was able to gain access to users’ photos, videos, and other personal information.

Breaking the Chain: Are You the Unintended Victim of a Supply Chain Attack?

We’ve heard a lot about “supply chains” of various industries over the past couple of years, and the cybersecurity sector is no exception. When Colonial Pipeline was compromised by ransomware, it affected the physical supply of gasoline to consumers. On the software side, malware distributed through a SolarWinds update and vulnerabilities discovered in Apache’s Log4J created rippling effects for organizations around the world.

Security Service Edge (SSE) is a Profound Moment for Cloud, Data, and Network Security

Today we are very excited to share that Netskope has been named a Leader in the 2022 Gartner ® Magic Quadrant ™ for Security Service Edge (SSE). This Magic Quadrant for SSE* is the first such SSE analysis of its kind, and I invite you to read the full SSE report (available here) to learn how Netskope was recognized for its completeness of vision and ability to execute.