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Egnyte Deepens Its Commitment to AEC Firms With New Capabilities

AEC firms have always looked for tools that give them a competitive advantage, but today’s technological advancements have pushed many of them into uncharted territory. Companies that long concerned themselves with the physical are now adapting to the digital, and they’re struggling to manage all the new software, the flood of data, and the rising threat of cyber attacks.

LimaCharlie partners with SOC Prime to deliver continuous content streaming of detections

The cybersecurity landscape is shifting because it has to. The breadth of challenges facing defenders is vast and we are constantly reminded about how unpredictable security can be with zero-days such as the recent Log4Shell vulnerability. New tools and a community-based approach offer a way forward in the face of overwhelming complexity.

Is Your Donation Helping the People of Ukraine - Or Enriching a Cyber-Criminal?

The invasion of Ukraine has caused enormous human tragedy with millions displaced and many more in desperate need of basic supplies and transport. Donation websites quickly appeared to make supporting Ukraine easy—so quick, in fact, that it was reminiscent of the 2019 Notre Dame de Paris fire and the immediate groundswell of enthusiasm that followed for rebuilding the iconic church.

We're Making Our Debut In Cybersecurity with Snowbit

2021 was a crazy year, to say the least, not only did we welcome our 2,000th customer, we announced our Series B AND Series C funding rounds, and on top of that, we launched Streamaⓒ – our in-stream data analytics pipeline. But this year, we’re going to top that! We’re eager to share that we are venturing into cybersecurity!

RKVST Set Free

Today we make RKVST available for public use with a free access tier so you can discover what a Zero Trust Fabric can do for you. From tracking software supply chain lifecycles to nuclear waste, RKVST is a powerful tool that builds trust in multi-party processes, when it’s critical to have high assurance in data for confident decisions. But before going all the way you can start simple: tracking software releases and contents with SBOMs.

Crossword Cybersecurity Plc acquires threat intelligence company, Threat Status Limited

Crossword Cybersecurity Plc is pleased to announce its acquisition of the whole of the share capital of Threat Status Limited, the threat intelligence company and provider of Trillion™, the cloud based software as a service (SaaS) platform for enterprise-level credential breach intelligence has now completed.

Why SASE is your best bet to secure a remote workspace

The origins of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) can be traced back to 2019, when legacy network security systems were extensively used in workspaces. Gartner defined SASE as the combined deployment of cloud-based cybersecurity functions, including Firewall as a Service, a cloud access security broker (CASB), a secure web gateway (SWG), Zero Trust network access (ZTNA), and software-defined WAN (SD-WAN).

Banish Shadow IT With Digital Footprint

It’s out there. In the deep, dark corners of your IT estate, it’s been hiding. Maybe it’s that “killer app” one of the department heads brought back from a trade show. Or maybe it’s that campaign microsite that marketing had a contractor develop for a “skunkworks” launch. Shadow IT is more than an asset management problem. It’s a security problem because you can’t secure what you can’t see.

Build a software bill of materials (SBOM) for open source supply chain security

More than ever, developers are building web applications on the foundations of open source software libraries. However, while those libraries make up the software bill of materials (SBOM) components inventory, not all developers and business stakeholders understand the significant impact on open source supply chain security that stems from including 3rd party libraries.