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Testing OWASP's Top 10 API Security Vulnerabilities (Part 1)

Application Programming Interface (API) attacks are set to become one of the most prevalent cyberattacks with a broad target range. By nature, APIs expose application logic and sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), causing APIs to become a target for attackers. In 2019, Gartner predicted that API hacks would become the most common form of cyberattacks in 2022. So how can teams stay ahead of API attacks?

Why MDR is Your Most Important Security Investment

The cybersecurity threat landscape is continuously evolving, with the frequency and impacts of threats like malware and ransomware increasing every year. Today, organizations of all sizes and in every industry sector must be proactively searching for emerging threats and actively monitoring risk to protect themselves – and respond quickly in the event that a threat is identified.

The No-Cost Way to Level Up Your Cybersecurity Posture

In recent weeks President Biden issued a statement encouraging organizations to level up their cyber defenses in what he called “a critical moment to improve domestic cybersecurity and bolster national resilience.” The following week, the federal budget proposal for FY2023 was released with a nearly $11 billion line item for cybersecurity measures.

5 Ways to Illuminate Your Attack Surface Blind Spots

How well do you know your organization’s attack surface? Chances are, you don’t know it as well as you think you do. According to a recent report, 2 out of 3 organizations say their external attack surface has expanded in the past 12 months, but that does not mean they’ve been keeping track of it.

What Is the Role of Incident Response in ICS Security?

In recent years, cyber espionage has been growing in magnitude and complexity. One of the most common targets is Industrial Control Systems (ICS) within critical infrastructure sectors. With many organizations relying more heavily on ICS networks, there has been an increase in threats and cyberattacks aimed at these systems. Not only do these attacks have an economic impact, but they also put national security at risk.

CrowdStrike "Dominates" in Endpoint Detection and Response

We are excited that Forrester has named CrowdStrike a “Leader” in The Forrester Wave™: Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Providers, Q2 2022 and recognized us as dominating in EDR while building our future in extended detection and response (XDR) and Zero Trust. We believe that to be a leader in XDR, you must first be a leader in EDR, which is why we are well-positioned to drive innovation and lead the XDR market forward.

Two RCE Vulnerabilities Found in Spring Framework

At the end of March 2022, two critical vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-22963 and CVE-2022-22965) were discovered in different components of VMware Spring. Spring is a popular framework focused on facilitating the development of Java applications, including cloud-based apps, eliminating the need for additional code or concerns related to server requirements.

Classify Data by Sensitivity Levels for Better Governance

All organizations, including yours, have sensitive data. Whether it’s structured or unstructured, you need to protect that data to avoid disruption to your business. However, data sensitivity classification is not binary—it requires a more nuanced approach. Some information is more sensitive because it creates greater risk of harm to the organization or customers if it’s exposed.

What Is the Impact of the GDPR on Online Transactions?

From the first online transaction in 1994, we have seen online transactions evolve faster than anticipated. With this also came an evolution of rules and regulations to avoid the abuse of personal data. The GDPR is one such regulation that has an important role in regulating the whole structure of online transactions. It has also led to the development of specialized fintech cybersecurity. But what exactly is the impact of the GDPR, and how is it helping?

The New York Racing Association ensures a secure IT environment using AD360

Rabindra Mohan, technical operations manager at the NYRA, was tasked with improving his organization’s remote work capabilities. However, due to the inherent nature of the business, the IT team had to take a very hands-on approach to their operations. Mohan needed a solution that could be automated and deployed right out of the box. As part of the IT team’s broader vision, Mohan also wanted to manage the NYRA’s IT environment on the go from a mobile app.