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DFIR Expert Interview: Simon Eklund

Can you introduce yourself and tell us what you do and what your company does? I'm Simon Eklund and I work for Cparta Cyber Defense as the lead for DFIR. DFIR is quite self-explanatory, but the company itself is quite new. The focus for the company is Swedish infrastructure and IP(Intellectual Property) and it is quite an interesting company to work with since it's quite different from other start-ups or new companies.

Getting started with React Native security

React provides an easy and intuitive way to build interactive user interfaces. It lets you build complex applications from small, isolated pieces of code called components. React Native is an extension of React that enables developers to combine techniques used for web technologies like JavaScript with React to build cross-platform mobile apps. This allows developers to write code once for multiple platforms, which speeds up development time.

Falcon Platform Identity Protection Shuts Down MITRE ATT&CK Adversaries

The weeks following the release of the MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK Evaluation can be confusing when trying to interpret the results and cut through the noise. But one thing is crystal clear in this year’s evaluation that every organization should know: The CrowdStrike Falcon® platform stands alone in delivering native identity protection capabilities that shut down adversaries and stop the breach before it even starts.

What are the top tasks ready for automation, according to security analysts?

What's frustrating security analysts on a daily basis? When we asked that question in our recently published 'Voice of the SOC Analyst' survey, the number one answer was "spending time on manual work" like reporting, monitoring, and detection. Why would that frustrate them? Manual tasks are repetitive, mundane, and tedious, and force analysts to spend most of their day or week chasing down answers or following up on alerts, only to do it again the next day.

Moving from reactive to proactive through automation

Analysts are being weighed down by mundane, tedious tasks, preventing them from doing their best work, causing burnout, and leading them to the point of wanting to leave their jobs. SOC analysts' biggest frustration and one of their top challenges is having to spend time on manual tasks, according to our recent report, 'The Voice of the Analyst.' These tasks are not only repetitive, but they're taking them away from more engaging, higher-impact work.

Scary kids scaring kids: An update on the arrest of Lapsus$ group members

One would be hard pressed to find anyone working today in the cybersecurity world that has not yet heard of Lapsus$, an emerging cyber-crime group with big claims of breaching the likes of high-profile companies Microsoft, Samsung, NVIDIA, and Okta amongst others.

Attention CISOs: the Board Doesn't Care About Buzzwords

We live in an IT world surrounded by buzzwords that are largely marketing gimmicks. Zero Trust, for example, is a concept no one actually understands and is slapped onto everything, including derivatives like Zero Trust networks (ZTN) and Zero Trust network access (ZTNA). Then there’s Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), Security Service Edge (SSE) and everything that falls under these frameworks such as Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Secure Web Gateway (SWG).

SSE for Internet Service Providers: A Competitive Threat or an Opportunity?

It feels like only yesterday when we first heard about SASE. The proposition of consuming network and security services from the cloud was attractive and resonated with the market. It’s no surprise that internet service providers (ISPs) started exploring how they could offer a set of SASE services. Fast forward to today and we all are watching how Security Service Edge (SSE) as a new product category is being received by enterprises.