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What quantum cryptography means for cybersecurity

Just as cybersecurity professionals are getting used to the possible implications of quantum computers, a new front opens in the quantum arms race: using quantum computers for encryption. Though quantum computers remain a largely theoretical threat, some researchers are already working on ways to protect systems against the exponential increase in computing power they represent.

Managed security operations center (SOC) explained

Managed SOC, also known as SOC as a Service, is a subscription-based offering whereby organizations outsource threat detection and incident response. Based on the concept of turning an internal security operations center (SOC) into an external cloud-based service, a managed SOC offers IT organizations external cybersecurity experts that monitor your logs, devices, cloud environments, and network for known and evolving advanced threats.

WhiteSource Attribution Report: New Features

We are excited to announce the immediate availability of WhiteSource’s new attribution report. Our attribution report gives you insight into the compliance requirements of your open source components, including detailed data on your licenses, copyrights, and notices. WhiteSource’s new attribution report features numerous enhancements to the overall user experience.

Attack of the mutant tags!Or why tag mutability is a real security threat

Tag mutability can introduce multiple functional and security issues. In container land, tags are a volatile reference to a concrete image version in a specific point in time. Tags can change unexpectedly, and at any moment. In this article, we’ll learn how we can prevent them.

Making a Case for the Cloud: Customers Give Their Honest Feedback of SaaS-Based AppSec

Before the pandemic, 70 percent of companies were in the early stages of a digital transformation. But given the current circumstances, companies are being forced to speed up those efforts. This statistic, coupled with the FBI’s findings that cyberattacks have increased by 400 percent over the last few months, supports the need for increased application security (AppSec) and the shift toward software-as-a-service (SaaS) models.

Veracode Achieves AWS DevOps Competency Status

We are pleased to announce that we have earned the AWS DevOps Competency status, which recognizes that Veracode provides proven technical proficiency and customer success helping organizations implement continuous integration and delivery practices on AWS. To receive the designation, APN Partners must possess deep expertise and deliver solutions seamlessly on AWS.

State of Insider Data Breaches in 2020

Organizations protect critical assets and sensitive information from the outside world by continually updating their security controls and policies. However, the origin of a breach is not always outside of the organization, and recently, insider breaches have gained attention amid an increase in the flexibility of tools for information sharing. Insider threats can be accidental or intentional, but the impact of insider breaches remain the same.

Thinking Real-Time About Real-Time Payments Fraud

Increasing payment speed and infrastructure complexity is leading to rising payment fraud rates. When it comes to the risk assessment and authentication of real-time payments transactions, the time window for analysis has shrunken to pretty much zero. Some of the challenges banks and credit unions are dealing with today include: The result of these challenges? More real-time payments fraud, mounting financial losses and new questions surfacing over who is liable for the recouping of funds.

The Pain Remains: What the 2020 Devo SOC Performance Report Tells Us

Today we published the 2020 Devo SOC Performance ReportTM. The subtitle, A Tale of Two SOCs, underscores that there are two types of security operation centers (SOC): those that are performing reasonably well and those that are struggling. As someone who has worked in cybersecurity for more than 20 years, I find the results of our second annual SOC report informative, instructive, and also extremely irritating.