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Redscan analysis of NIST NVD reveals record number of critical and high severity vulnerabilities in 2020

The report is based on an analysis of more than 18,000 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) logged to NIST’s National Vulnerability Database in 2020. It reveals that well over half (57%) were rated ‘high’ or ‘critical’ severity – the highest recorded figure for any year to date. Our analysis also looks beyond severity scores, detailing the rise of low complexity vulnerabilities as well as those which require no user interaction to exploit.

Budgeting in cybersecurity - Can businesses afford it?

Creating an annual budget is challenging because business owners must consider all expenses in the coming year. Apart from ensuring that everyone is paid, and taxes are taken care of, cybersecurity should be one of the most important factors to consider. Even though there are many methods businesses can use to prevent cybercriminals from stealing information, hackers are always inventing new ways of breaching closed systems.

Security Defender Insights: Improving security visibility in the remote-work reality

This edition of Detectify Security Defenders Insights focuses on best practices on how not to lose security visibility in 2021: For many small to mid-sized tech organizations, security visibility is an increasing challenge. 2020 was the true catalyst to their tech transformation from all in-house to suddenly working from home. This meant a pressured effort to make sure security was top-of-mind especially now that everyone was literally out-of-sight.

OPA + Styra DAS free up time and resources for a CRM solution

Let’s say you were going to plan a security project. (Almost any project, really.) The following might be a pretty solid list of goals to aim for: That’s a pretty solid list - and might even read like “too much to ask for.” Yet, it’s exactly what SugarCRM received after deploying Styra DAS to manage Open Policy Agent (OPA) for Kubernetes guardrails.

Runtime security in Azure Kubernetes Service

Runtime security for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) environments requires putting controls in place to detect unexpected and malicious behavior across your applications, infrastructure, and cloud environment. Runtime threats include things like: Even if you’re taking advantage of tools like container image vulnerability scanning, Kubernetes pod security policies, and Kubernetes network policies with AKS, not every risk will be addressed.

75% of Apps in the Healthcare Industry Have a Security Vulnerability

In light of the current pandemic, our healthcare industry has been challenged like never before. Healthcare workers heroically stepped up to the plate, caring for those in need, while the industry itself digitally transformed to keep up with the influx of patient data and virtual wellness appointments.

Using Strategic Choices to Ensure Continuous and Effective Cyber Security

Organizations are overwhelmed by the choice of cyber security tools in the market. They need to balance prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities with managing their secure configurations. What’s more, many organizations are using hybrid clouds where they need to protect assets that are hosted both on premises and in the cloud. This complexity requires a thoughtful approach to cyber security.

Top 5 Construction Technology Trends to Watch in 2021

The construction industry is not unfamiliar with disruption. In 2008, the Construction Engineering Index plunged 68 percent. Firms that survived the financial crisis that year faced severe margin pressure – dropping from 5 percent in 2007 to 1 percent by 2010. The industry had to act fast and looked for more innovative ways to cut costs and boost profitability. The industry had to act fast and looked for more innovative ways to cut costs and boost profitability.