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Life Science Top 10 Market Trends for 2021

For over a year the future has lacked clarity. As parts of the world start to open up and the life sciences industry ramps back up to pre-pandemic activity, the fog of uncertainty is starting to lift. We are seeing an acceleration of digital transformation across the Life Sciences industry with the adoption of decentralized trials, real world evidence, and remote monitoring.

Ingesting threat data with the Threat Intel Filebeat module

The ability for security teams to integrate threat data into their operations substantially helps their organization identify potentially malicious endpoint and network events using indicators identified by other threat research teams. In this blog, we’ll cover how to ingest threat data with the Threat Intel Filebeat module. In future blog posts, we'll cover enriching threat data with the Threat ECS fieldset and operationalizing threat data with Elastic Security.

How much does penetration testing cost?

Commissioning a penetration test is an important step in helping to enhance your organisation’s cyber security resilience. Pen testing costs vary from a few thousand pounds to several thousand more, so it’s essential to ensure that the pen testing you select enables you to achieve the best security outcomes from your budget.
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6 Ways to Support a Remote DevOps Team

Remote working is here to stay, so it's vital that businesses understand how to get the best out of their staff. For some roles, working remotely is easier than others - DevOps employees, for example, can face challenges if they're not fully supported within the organisation. In a distributed workforce, there's a higher risk of security issues and application problems, so it's crucial that organisations support them to keep the organisation running smoothly. Here are 6 ways to do just that.

Cybersecurity Due Diligence in M&A

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) enable companies to add products and services to their portfolios, giving them a way to scale their business. To gain true visibility into a company’s long-term impact on your organization’s bottom line, you need to understand all assets and liabilities, including digital ones.

AI everywhere: How AI is being applied in 4 different fields

Image Source: Pexels This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Historically, the idea of artificial intelligence (AI) saturating our world has been met with suspicion. Indeed, it’s one of the more popular tropes of science fiction — learning machines gain sentience that helps them take over the planet.

4 Steps To Lower Your Digital Risk

Business decision-makers are inundated today with messages about the importance of digital transformation and innovation. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you're told, you need to take full advantage of the cloud, move to microservices, replace your VMs with containers and so on. Yet what often gets lost or overlooked in those conversations is the digital risk that goes hand-in-hand with digital transformation.

Snyk at RSAC 2021 - ML in SAST: Distraction or Disruption

Machine learning is a loaded term. While machine learning offers amazing potential for advancing technologies, it often gets used as a marketing buzzword describing glorified pattern recognition. So it becomes increasingly difficult to know if the application of machine learning to existing technology is going to break new ground or sell more licenses. That’s the problem that Frank Fischer, Product Marketing for Snyk Code, explores in his RSAC 2021 talk ML in SAST: Disruption or Distraction.

Detecting new crypto mining attack targeting Kubeflow and TensorFlow

Microsoft has discovered a new large-scale attack targeting Kubeflow instances to deploy malicious TensorFlow pods, using them to mine Monero cryptocurrency in Kubernetes cluster environments. Kubeflow is a popular open-source framework often used for running machine learning tasks in Kubernetes. TensorFlow, on the other hand, is an open-source machine learning platform used for implementing machine learning in a Kubernetes environment.

Securing Access to Production MySQL Databases.

MySQL brands itself as the world’s most popular open source database. As popular as MySQL database is among developers and SQL enthusiasts, it is equally popular amongst hackers. Misconfigured server access, overprivileged roles, and weak authentication schemes are the most common security issues in MySQL database. While access control features provided by MySQL are adequate enough at the SQL level, it is error-prone to manage access at the operational level.